scholarist -
March 9th, 2008
11:29 am


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My favorite thing to do for the last month or so is Sunday morning coffee and the NYTimes at the Zoma coffee house on Atwood. They have free wifi so I could bring the laptop and liveblog it, but that would be sad and pathetic.

This caught my eye in the Times--Geek Love, a tribute to Gary Gygax, who more or less invented the modern world. Complete with nifty diagram which doesn't make sense but looks really good. I was too old to actually play AD&D when it first came out, but I played Advent on an old CDC Cyber 75 back in the day, and I used to read a lot of SF as well. If only I'd bothered to learn Perl, I'd be a Master of the Universe by now. Or at least a chaotic lawful mage.

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