Mary Jane's Last Dance

October 18th, 2007

01:37 pm - Goodbye, wisdom teeth.

So, I got my wisdom teeth taken out yesterday.

I was extremely nervous. The night before, I kept having a repetitive dream with a quiz show host and contestants climbing up a spiral staircase when they got a question right. Very, very repetitive. I couldn't sleep properly.

When I got to the dentist's office, my legs were shaking. I was extremely nervous.

When they were ready for me, they gave me some nitrous to calm me down. I was getting IV sedation and everyone knows how I HATE HATE HATE needles. It helped. Nitrous is funnnnnn.

Then I got the IV put into my arm and it felt cold. Then, I went under just as quick. I didn't feel a thing going on at all. I was surprised when they woke me up and I didn't have a clue as to what they just did. The only thing I could feel was my tongue being really numb.

Now, I'm sitting at home, high as a kite on Vicodin (otherwise, my mouth hurts) and probably might write some English papers (yeah right, I'm just going to play Zelda)
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