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skylessnight ([info]skylessnight) wrote,
@ 2009-03-03 10:27:00

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Dreams of the past burn into ashes
Blah ._. This week has been fun well past week. End of the exams are coming up soon a bit after spring break which really I am not that worried about. A part of me does not really care about them nor the stupid teachers there.

Wedsday I might be hanging out with Stephanie have not seen her in a month or so due to her college has been hell but thankful she gets her degree March 13th which she wants me and Colene to go to. I told her I would try which I would as Colene will have to work.

The might bit is well Colene told her mom she has the day off and her mom has been a bitch latly plus Carol has been due to Taxes as Colene has to fill out another forum and all due to she made a mistake which they are yelling about. *_*

We(Colene and I) talked the other day on saving and what we really want to do and we both agree to start saving as we do want to go over and see the shrines and places in Japan in a few years. We both took the guess of it would cost around 10k due to what we want to do and how long we want to spend.

We are closing the bank account to re open it at another one due to the bank is just pissing us off to much. O well we will deal with that in a few weeks.

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2009-03-03 04:54 pm UTC (link)
Wait, I'm confused, you guys know another Stephanie? I should know this lol :[

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2009-03-03 04:55 pm UTC (link)
Also, I work on Colene's birthday, sorry D: I'm off on the day before and day after it though. Figures.

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2009-03-03 05:08 pm UTC (link)
Colene says she is thinking of working on her birthday as its on a Thursday and says ok and yeah. She says that the day before will work as we are out of school due to spring break.

And yes we know another Stephanie hehe, it gets a bit odd when we talk about you both and Carol never figures it out it seems.

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