10 August 2008 @ 02:50 am
Icons: Jack Davenport (60+2 banners)  
Not exactly a request from C, but she was going around with bordered icons, what else was I going to do? Say what you will about my icons, but what they don't have is borders. Anyhow I love Jack Davenport a lot and if you ask me there is nothing sexier than a powdered wig.

Current Music: Radiohead - Dollars and Cents
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lemonadeandgin: victor 4[info]lemonadeandgin on August 10th, 2008 03:16 pm (UTC)
He reminds me of Matthew Goode in this icon, as well as in a few others.

Also, very effective removal of lip ring in the Jules icon.
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Forces' Sweetheart: Chris Marquette: boooooooored[info]solpadeine on August 11th, 2008 06:21 pm (UTC)
I can see that, yeah.

Nah, that's in the screencap itself, I think he has a pricetag stuck to his chin or something. I didn't bother to edit out the eyebrow ring or the green hair, after all.
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