forever and ever is a very long time;

For who could ever learn to love...A BEAST.

For who could ever learn to love...A BEAST.

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[Elika] She brings the day.
I fell asleep with Wicked playing on my iPod a few nights ago. Needless to say, I had some pretty gay musical dreams.

Disney released a teaser trailer for The Princess and the Frog, and it reminds me of ye olde days. DISNEY HAVE YOU COME BACK TO ME?!?! D: D: D:

I have been consumed by a burning desire to read the TWILIGHT SERIES, for the fantastic lulz. And so I can go the movie for even more. EDWARD BETTER SPARKLE LEGIT. My sister's got the first book. Excellent. But then I read that Edward was inspired by Edward Rochester from Jane Eyre. NO. YOU DO NOT TOUCH THE ROCH.

ETA: Breaking News! Apparently, my sister is devouring the series. She got Eclipse today.

I also just spent like $10 downloading Disney music off of iTunes. Pocahontas isn't my favorite Disney movie (I'm a giant freaky fan of Beauty and the Beast), but it has some kickass songs. "Savages" is a fantastic song to get stuck in your head, all of the lyrics are wonderfully inappropriate.

  • :D! I was reading f_w and ONTD last night, and was inspired. I seriously laughed so hard at some of the comments. How could I not read a series with such bizarre and fantastic wank?
    • oh wait till get get to pregnant vampires in Breaking Dawn. XD

      And I'm sorry but no NORMAL teenaged girl would jump off a cliff for some guy.
      • I seriously can't wait. :D The baby destroys her insides, right? That's fantastic.

        The impression I get, not even having read the books, is that Meyer tries to make it all ~romantic~ but it just ends up creepy. I kind of feel bad for Robert Pattinson, I can't believe he had any idea what he was really getting into when he agreed to be in the movie. :D!
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