forever and ever is a very long time;

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[FHFIF] Chocolate milk.
I'm ashamed to admit that I've never actually played Parappa the Rapper, but Mega64's "real life" version is fantastic! :D

Touch my shirt
Touch my shirt
I'm real glad it didn't hurt
  • I don't play video games, but oh god Mega64's stuff is hilarious.
    • I almost cried watching the Resident Evil 4 and Assassin's Creed videos. I seriously wish I had the nerve to do that stuff...and know that I wouldn't be maimed/killed by someone in the process.
      • SAME. I'm terribly agoraphobic and socially awkward; so badly so, WATCHING this makes me scared for them. I WISH I HAD THAT THING CALLED "COURAGE." OR MAYBE IT'S CALLED "WHO GIVES A FLYING FUCKERY?"
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