Minato Namikaze Below are the 2 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Minato Namikaze" journal:
April 14th, 2010
04:43 am


[004] Life - Or an Approximation of It.
Sorry, keep forgetting that this thing needs to be updated occasionally. I don't really have much going on that I'd like to talk about these days.

I did find an awesome desert track last weekend. Hurtling along on my bike around all the twists and turns has got to be the best stress relief I've had in awhile. I'm so glad it's finally warmed up enough that I can ride my bike around instead of taking my car. I even made $600 bucks off some guys wanting to race me before they deemed me crazy for going as fast as I did and refusing to go again. It was fun, though.

Also, I've discovered that [pastry shop] has probably the best chocolate cheesecake in the city. I'd say best ever, but my friends Jess and AJ back in my hometown have a shop that makes it better.

[Private to Self]

It honestly shouldn't hurt like it does. No amount of phone calls, too-rich cake, and reckless riding seems to be making it more tolerable. I can't even put it out of my mind when I run, and...that's saying something. And the fucking nerve of his brother to even suggest that I'd do that- Grrr. I know it's been awhile since I've had to prove my sincerity to anybody, but there was never a soul who'd even hint at impugning my honor in such a way. >( And this was between Izuna and myself, not him, so just...augh. But he wanted time, so...I'll give him his space. ...Hopefully I will get a phone call soon. Or convince myself that...that it's okay to move on. Hah. ...I'll just turn up my cell to max volume just in case.

I've spent a bit of time getting to know Naruto the past month or so. It's not as much of a stretch to chat with him in the hall or go with him when he gets ramen for lunch. He...really does seem like a good kid, but he's so closed off. I want to help, and it's so hard to hold back that instinct. :( *sigh* I've just got to believe it will work out...eventually.

[/Private to Self]

Current Location: Home
Current Music: Carlos Baute - Colgando En Tus Manos
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February 17th, 2010
12:40 am


[EVENT] Apology Time.
...a.k.a. Minato's Monday Tuesday Surprise~!

Minato spent Friday and much of the weekend feeling like the world's biggest jerk for screwing up Izuna's birthday with accusations. All ire has been redirected to Madara now, since he's the one who made Minato feel misled, shh. When Madara texted him something about Valentine's Day on Saturday, he decided that either A)Izuna hadn't told his brother about it or B)Madara was still in approval of Minato attempting to date his brother despite his mistake. He likes the hopeful side of things better so likes option B, even if actually dating Izuna at some point is starting to seem kinda hopeless. He then began formulating a plan to at least attempt to apologize.

Thinking on his feet has always been a strong point of his, so he quickly formulated a plan...but there was a problem. How was he going to get his token of apology to Uchiha-san without ending up with it...all over himself. He was pretty sure it would be quickly rejected in person, along with the note accompanying it. Putting it on his desk was a much more desirable option, but with the recent prank(lookin' at you, Saso), the offices now require a pincode to get into.

Due to this setback, he was unable to find a way to possibly get his apology to Izuna on his first day back to work - Monday. However, Monday brought a gem: Tobi the current office bitch said that if he needed anything, just ask... So he did.

On the offchance that Izuna might spend the night in his office, they opted to put the plan in action during lunch on Tuesday.

As such, coming into his office, Izuna will find two of these(in black) sitting on his desk. Inside he will find not one, but two giiiiiant milkshakes. Or, rather, thickshakes. Specifically, thickshakes of the same exact kind as he spilled all over his phone and seemed so sad at the loss of. Yes, Minato went searching all over Reno to find a shake that smelled like a particular vanilla flavor and apparently had a small amount of alcohol, in the design of cup that he vaguely remembered Izuna carrying.

Tucked under the corners of the containers is a note on thick, yellowed, parchment-like paper folded into a rose shape. On the outside in neat cursive is written, "Uchiha-san". The note inside reads as follows:

Uchiha-san )

On the bottom right corner of the note is written Minato's phone number, so that Izuna can contact him if he wishes.

Current Mood: accomplished
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