Annie Singer/Spoiler's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Annie Singer/Spoiler

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[15 Aug 2011|01:16am]
Annie still couldn't believe that Stephanie was dead. She'd been gone for a few months, and Annie still expected her to walk through the door like she did every night after she got done on a patrol.

And Annie still wasn't any closer to figuring out who her killer was. That, and she was starting to run low on money. Steph had left her enough to get by, but she wasn't exactly loaded or anything. And past finding out who killed Stephanie, Annie had no idea what she was going to do with the rest of her life. She'd been living with Steph for the past two years, and she was gone. She was still a minor, so if the police or anyone found her, she could land with her butt in foster care, as she had no living relatives to speak least none worth mentioning, at least.

Spoiler got done her patrol that evening, and made her way back to the apartment where she had been living with Steph. She had no idea where she was going to go once the landlords booted her out, as she was barely able to keep up with rent. The part-time job that she'd been holding down barely covered enough for her buy supplies she needed, let alone cover rent. And the money Stephanie had left her was running tight as it was.

Annie pulled off her mask as she crawled in through the window, lowering her hood. She was so tired from working and going straight to patrol, she didn't even notice that the window was already open when she arrived. She didn't even realize that someone might be in the apartment with her.
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App [13 Aug 2011|04:14pm]
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Allie
Email: On file
AIM (if you have one): On file
Character Name: Annie Singer
Character LJ (if applicable): [info]spoiler_alert
Physical description (face, build, weight): 5'6", 122 lbs, blond hair, blue eyes.
Age: 16
Birthday: July 1st
Codename (if using one): Spoiler
PB: Candice Accola
Abilities: Annie has had some training from Stephanie Brown, the first Spoiler, in both hand-to-hand combat, and in use of various equipment used by her. Annie is in no means an expert, and is at best at the novice level. She's also had some training in stealth, though not extensive.
Weaknesses and flaws: Annie is a baseline human.
Character location/Home: Bludhaven, currently. Eventually Star City.
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero
Team: Independent. Might make way to a team with a bit more training.
Relatives (living/dead?): Jake Singer (father, unknown), Mary Singer (mother, deceased), Stephanie Brown (adoptive paternal figure of sorts, deceased)
Backstory: Annie Singer was born to low-class criminals in Bludhaven, New Jersey. Her father was a hit-man for for one of the many local crime bosses, and her mother just kept quiet and told Annie to keep her mouth shut and stay out of trouble. From a young age, Annie mostly fended for herself, as her father was out on some job or another, and her mother was often in an alcohol induced sleep on the sofa.

When Annie was fourteen, her father disappeared on a job, and her mother committed suicide shortly after. Rather than get put into foster care, Annie ran away from home, and lived on the streets, fending for herself. As fate would have it, she was found one night by Spoiler, Stephanie Brown, who had come to Bludhaven from Gotham to set herself up as her own hero. Stephanie, seeing a bit of herself in Annie, took the girl in, providing care that Annie had never been used to. Stephanie started to train Annie to defend herself, and Annie got hopes of taking over Spoiler one day.

Tragedy struck again when Stephanie was murdered two years later by a mob boss that held a grudge against her. Annie donned the Spoiler costume, vowing to avenge Stephaine's death.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Showing up at Tim's, looking for training.
What are you planning to do with this character?: Growing as a hero, finding out more about Steph's killer, and maybe what her father's been up to these past couple of years.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Growth. Development. Making Tim pull his hair out. All that good stuff.
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