Piper Peterson - Ball Bet

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August 10th, 2009

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02:34 am - Ball Bet

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Date:August 10th, 2009 08:21 am (UTC)
Kyle shook his head and spun the girl around once more and made sure she could see them together completely. "Piper, stop changing your words, they are happy together." Kyle smiled, he was just happy to see Justin actually with a girl, and one he liked, he was sure that things would be good for those two.

"So, can we let them have their happiness without arguing about the if's and but's?" Kyle tried to sound like he wasn't just trying to win, he wanted to make her feel a little guilty for stepping on their happiness.. although now that he thought about it, this tactic would never work on him. "So, let me have my happiness and take you on a date, which will in turn make you happy and so we will all be happy."

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