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Kyle Theo "Teddy" Knight ([info]teddyurastar) wrote,
@ 2009-08-03 12:16:00

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Character name: Kyle Theo "Teddy" Knight
PB: (If using one) Teddy Geiger
Age: 17
Abilities (If they differ or have been altered from canon): Teddy has a mist form that allows him to move easily through tight spaces. He's also moderately proficient with (and sneaks away frequently with) his father's star rod, though Jack has yet to pass it on. When Teddy was 15, his aunt Courtney passed on the cosmic belt to him, giving him the ability to fly and invulnerability.

New character LJ name (if already created): [info]teddyurastr
Base of operations: Opal City, Maryland
Sample Post (Please include a bit of dialogue in there if you can):

Teddy's late coming home from school, but dad is still at the store. There's a note for Teddy on the fridge that says as much, and that the elder Knight will be late enough that Teddy will be making himself dinner again. It's not a big deal, dad's usually home most nights, but Teddy wishes he could get into all the antique junk. Then maybe he wouldn't feel so out of place hanging out with the old man at the store. The trash gets taken out, and Teddy makes chicken Parmesan with rotini, putting his dad's portion in the fridge. Teddy eats his dinner on the couch in front of Cartoon Network, then does his homework. The time slides by ridiculously slow, and by 8PM, every chore he could possibly perform is done, and he's bored on the couch again.

Something makes him look down the hall at his father's desk. He can see the edge of it from where he's sprawled across the cushions. He knows what's there. He really shouldn't go in there. He also has the feeling he was waiting for something at 9:30, probably some stupid show that he can't remember now anyway. After a few minutes, Teddy walks into the bedroom, only to see that the usual resting place for his father's star rod is empty. Dad's got it with him. The goggles were still on the desk, though. Teddy makes a face, deciding, looking around even though he knows no one is there. Dad's goggles are like Indy's hat; you just don't touch. He could steal the star rod and get grounded and talked at about communication, but the goggles were sacred.

They made flying so much easier, though!

Teddy has the cosmic belt and stays out of places he thinks his dad would be, but he does tempt fate and peek in at the store. It looked like stuff was still going on in the back. Dad was probably still working, not out patrolling Opal City at all. Teddy does a little more flying, and even stops a minor car accident from escalating into a fist fight. He chases off one mugger, saves one hot girl from getting run over, and uses his mist power to help one dumb lady unlock her car so she could get her mischievous, door-locking toddler out.

When he gets home, Teddy decides the goggles are awesome, and there's a reason they're sacred. He even loves the dry burn on his forehead from where the rubber rested against his scalp when he had the goggles up, and cold wind whipping through his hair. He's careful to put them back just as he found them. When he starts unloading his cargo pants of all his on-the-go belongings, he realizes he has 9 different calls from Isa.

"Isa! Teddy, you moron, you had a date with Isa at 9:30, not some dumb show!"

He calls her back but she's not very understanding, especially since quarter after midnight probably isn't the best time to call, even to apologize. He's got a crummy story which only equates in the truth... he forgot. Isa reminds him it's the third time he's blown her off, and he's always "so dumb" about kissing her. Teddy frowns over the phone when Isa starts with the "You're such a great guy but..." speech. Whatever. Who needs her? When he's done getting dropped like a bad habit, Teddy flops down on his bed, turning his stereo on and watching the shapes on the ceiling of his paper carousel lamp.

She doesn't know the truth: when nobody's looking, Teddy's a Star.

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