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Books | The Guardian ([info]theguardianbook) wrote,
@ 2019-10-03 05:00:00

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The 10 biggest books of autumn 2019

Over 400 hardbacks hit shops today, including Zadie Smith’s Grand Union and Philip Pullman’s The Secret Commonwealth, on what publishers have dubbed Super Thursday

More than 400 new hardbacks hit bookshops today, on what has been dubbed Super Thursday by the book trade, as publishers release their hottest hopes for this year’s Christmas No 1. Jess Phillips, fresh from taking on the “bullies” in the House of Commons, reveals how to speak Truth to Power, while Philip Pullman shows us how Lyra handles adulthood in The Secret Commonwealth. With 426 hardbacks published today, the number is down on last year’s 544. But readers should also brace themselves for what The Bookseller has dubbed a “mini Super Thursday” on 17 October, when titles from Elton John, John le Carré, Adam Kay, Trevor McDonald and Nadiya Hussain are published. Here are 10 of the titles booksellers are betting on to bring them a happy Christmas.

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