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Books | The Guardian ([info]theguardianbook) wrote,
@ 2019-12-03 12:40:00

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Choose your book of 2019 for us to read this December

’Tis the season for best-of lists, so please help the reading group zero in on this year’s must-read – which we shall then read!

We’re at the end of 2019. And hey! It hasn’t all been bad. We’re still here, after all. We’re still just about in the EU, even. And, in spite of the political weather, not to mention the worsening climate crisis, plenty of people have continued to do fine things, including publishing some great books. And this is a good time and place to celebrate them.

So let us know – what were your favourite books in 2019? Please tell us what you’ve loved reading, what’s mattered to you and what’s impressed you. Also, which books do you feel you missed out on reading? And what have we missed at the Guardian? Do you know of that precious gem that’s just waiting to be discovered?

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