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Books | The Guardian ([info]theguardianbook) wrote,
@ 2019-12-04 11:30:00

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Twas the Nightshift Before Christmas by Adam Kay review – more matchless stories from A&E

From the author of This Is Going to Hurt, funny, disgusting and moving tales with a festive twist – and a show of support for overworked NHS staff

The most common reasons why Adam Kay omitted stories from his 2017 memoir, This Is Going to Hurt, were that they were “too disgusting” or “too Christmassy”. That book is now a global bestseller, and Kay a celebrated author whose gory and shocking anecdotes have drawn attention to the struggling NHS and its overstretched staff. His new book is going to hurt with tinsel on top.

Obstetrics and gynaecology on Christmas Day (and Kay worked six of them) is the same bloody mess, but more so. Hospitals are understaffed and medics exhausted but babies don’t stop coming, alcohol doesn’t help anything, A&E is full of abandoned grannies and “elderly patients who’ve gone full Jenga on the ice, shattering their hips like bags of biscuits”, and patients just won’t stop inserting objects into intimate places from which world-weary medics have to remove them.

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