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Books | The Guardian ([info]theguardianbook) wrote,
@ 2019-12-12 11:00:00

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Neal Katyal: ‘A second term for Donald Trump could fundamentally destabilise our democracy’

He was acting solicitor general under Barack Obama and drew up regulations used in the Mueller investigation. Now Neal Katyal is arguing for impeachment

It is the season of impeachment in Washington. As the temperature dips in the nation’s capital and the first frosts arrive, the US Congress prepares, not for the first time, to break the glass and reach for the emergency lever provided by the founding fathers for ridding the country of a miscreant president. The congressional hearings have proved strangely compulsive viewing. The sight of senior officials sitting before a microphone addressing a bench of stern, preening, hectoring members of Congress somehow combines solemnity and glamour in an archetypal American tableau.

It recalls the great inquisitions of the past: McCarthyism, Watergate, Iran-Contra, as well as Bill Clinton’s impeachment hearings 21 years ago. As the Monica Lewinsky scandal was unfolding, a young lawyer was asked by the Clinton administration to draw up new regulations for the post of special counsel, intended to prevent a recurrence of the Starr report, a vehicle by which the president’s enemies could conduct an untrammelled and lurid excavation of his private life. Those regulations provided the guidelines for Robert Mueller’s investigation into the Trump campaign’s role in Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election.

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