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Ginny ([info]theweasleygirl) wrote,
@ 2008-02-03 08:50:00

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[Hexed Private to all of Gryffindor]

Hullo everyone! Harry's feeling a bit under the weather, but a good sleep in will cure it, he's sure, so I'm passing this on along in his stead!

I know this was circulating through the common room, but we wanted to make it official--today's Quidditch practise at 13:00 has been turned into a house-wide gathering. If you want to bring along a broom, we're going to have small games of two a side and perhaps duplicate Friday and have a nice free for all, just us Lions, as well as work on painting up signs and banners for the match against them. We're going to have some goodies from the kitchen and just good times. We'll head down after lunch, how does that sound?

Can't wait to see you there!


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