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a mite whimsical in the brainpan ([info]tigerkat24) wrote,
@ 2008-01-11 23:20:00

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Entry tags:fanfiction, sweeney todd

Drabble: hurt
Title: hurt
Fandom: Sweeney Todd
Spoilers: Up to about By the Sea, probably.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: "Love isn't love if you didn't hurt someone."

It’s hard. She would never say it isn’t.

Or perhaps she would, smiling at Toby, putting on a brave face for the world. She has what she’s always wanted, after all, even if it’s not quite as she’s always dreamed it would be.

But what does she care for trifling little follies? She has him. She is the one who runs her hands through his hair, who speaks soothingly to him, who sees to it he eats and sleeps. She is the one he fucks at night, hard and fast, it is her ear he groans into…


It’s hard.

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