11 November 2008 @ 04:00 pm
Welcome to my humble abode  


1. We must have similar interests and/or fandoms.

2. Be polite and courteous to everyone.

3. No spamming in my journal. If you do I will delete your post and report you.

4. I don't add anyone unless he or she introduces themselves first.

5. Just because you add me does not necessarily mean I will add you back.
Current Mood: accomplished
Current Music: "Capital G (Epworth Phones remix)" - Nine Inch Nails
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[info]intheend on July 12th, 2010 10:05 pm (UTC)
Hi, I didn't know where else to put this, as I'm not getting any help in the ~support groups, but I saw that you posted in ~news and thought I'd go to you, in hopes that this can be passed on. Is there a way to report users? There are a bunch of anon journals on this server that are condoning hateful remarks to other scribbld.net users, and is actually starting to use people's real names with other hateful remarks. A bunch of people would love to see these journals shut down and removed and I wasn't sure how I could go about to help/try to get those removed. The journals in question are anonpb, anonners, posanon, reanon. I know there are other anon journals around your site, but these are the four main ones I know of. These sites are hateful and bring a bad sort of traffic to your site that I'm not sure the scribbld.net admins want. Thanks for your help, and I'm sorry if this comment isn't in the right place, or to the right person.
Drew[info]urgent on July 12th, 2010 10:55 pm (UTC)
I passed this along to Scribbld's owner. I'll let you know when I hear back from him.
Drew: EotE_AkiraPhoneCallInHat[info]urgent on July 13th, 2010 03:38 am (UTC)
[info]jimmy says it kinda sounds like you didn't submit enough information. He says go back to the support page and resubmit your complaint with as much information as possible.