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「ℴphelia → ωilkes」 ([info]primrosepath) wrote in [info]valesco_history,
@ 2008-05-06 22:02:00

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Entry tags:ophelia llewellyn

WHO: Hippocrates Smethwyck & Ophelia Llewellyn
WHEN: Monday afternoon
WHERE: The west end of the main courtyard
WHAT: The break up

Ophelia was actually surprised and slightly pleased with herself, at that it had only taken her two days after speaking with Grayson (it was a date) to get up the courage to go and speak to Smeth. Of course, she'd been having to build up this courage for the past month or so because she had known around then that their breakup was imminent, but... but she had, in a very short time, actually prepared herself to tell him the truth about why she wanted to break up with him. Sure, it had a lot to do with the fact that they couldn't stand each other most of the time, but she was ready to tell him the other, more painful truth--that she was still in love with Grayson Wilkes.

Well, not in love. But at least in deep like. Really, it didn't matter what terms she used, because after this was over, she was going to be with him and there was no way around that.

It wasn't like she got any pleasure out of hurting Smeth like that, but he deserved to know the truth behind the situation. The least she could do for him was let him know the real reason behind it all. Taking a deep breath, Lia approached the back of the couch where she saw her boyfriend sitting and gripped the backing with her hands. "Smeth?" she asked, sounding much more unsure than she felt she should have. Ugh, nerves, they didn't just go away because you had prepared yourself for what was going to happen. "Hey, can we go somewhere? We need to talk."

Ever since that extremely enlightening talk with his old friend, Jen, Smeth had an epiphany. It came as a surprise to him that he wasn't depressed, or even that terribly morose about it. Of course he felt more than upset about the whole thing - Ophelia Llewellyn was the first girl he could truly say that he had ever fallen for. Realising that your girlfriend and yourself no longer belonged together was not an easy thing to decide, and it broke Smeth's heart, but he also understood that it was for the best. He wasn't happy. Ophelia wasn't happy. The daily bickering, trying his hardest to pretend that things were back to normal... no, it definitely wasn't working.

He just wasn't sure how, exactly, to tell her this. Although he was nearly sure that she felt the same - well, these things were not exactly easy, to say the least.

He closed the book he was currently reading and looked up at her. "Sure," he said, giving her a small smile and pulling off his reading glasses. Something in his gut, something deep inside told him that this was not a normal, fun, casual stroll. He got up and offered an arm to Ophelia. "Outside by the west side of the courtyard?"

She took his arm, but instantly felt guilty about it. She shouldn't--it was just a stupid gesture, not like she was snogging him or something, but she felt like she shouldn't have the right to do even that. Maybe she didn't, maybe that stabbing guilt was telling her that she should just stop stalling and get on with it right then and there. But she didn't--this would be better for them both if they could have this conversation out of the eyes of the rest of the Hogwarts population.

As Smeth and Lia walked in silence, getting nearer and nearer every moment to their destination, she felt the nervousness nagging her more than ever. She second-guessed for a moment, wondered if she really wanted to do this, but quickly caught herself. She knew she would be making a very big mistake to not break up with Smeth, and a mistake to both of them. Neither of them was happy in this relationship, and it needed to end so that they could both stop feeling like crap about things and get on with their lives.

Finally they had arrived at their destination, and though they walked together, neither of them said a word. Smeth contemplated that he could have certainly said something polite like, "How was your day" or even "How are you" but ugh. He mentally kicked himself. Though he knew in his heart of hearts that things were definitely not the same between them, that didn't mean that he didn't have to skip basic courtesy. He leaned against a tree, as he didn't feel like sitting down. She didn't say anything yet, so he swallowed hard. He had to do this.

Shoving his hands in his pockets, Smeth licked his lips and looked down. "Lia, you said you needed to talk, and I completely agree," he began, his voice quiet, with just a hint of sadness. "We've been - well, we've been completely off, and I..." His hands shook ever so slightly, but he forced himself to continue. "We haven't been - honestly, when was the last time you could say that we've been... happy spending time together? Lately all we've done is argue and I know that everyone argues at some point and time, but." He lifted his eyes and met her's with a steady, but sad gaze. "I don't think it's normal anymore."

"It's not," she muttered, turning her eyes out to the ripples of the water in the Lake. "It's not normal at all and that's why we're talking, because it's stupid and I've come to the point of accepting that this just isn't working." Ophelia sighed and turned her eyes back to him, visibly gulping because it was now or never--if she was going to tell him what she had to tell him, she was going to have to do it now, before she lost the nerve that was steadily slipping through her fingers.

"But Smeth, that's not the only reason things have gone downhill.... I don't know how to say this to make it sound any less horrible, or any less painful than it does, so I'll just come out with it. The past couple months, I've come to the realization that--that maybe I'm not.. completely over... Grayson."

Before he could say anything in response to that, she continued, holding up a hand in case he did have any comments for her to fend off. "I know I wasn't supposed to like him in the first place, but the truth is--I did. Even when we were engaged, I just.. he grew on me, a lot more than I ever let on to you because I wanted this to work because if this didn't work, then what had I gone through all that stuff with the wedding for? But you deserve to know the truth, and the truth is that I haven't been able to let him go. I met with him on Saturday night and--no, it wasn't my uncle, that was his cover so I wouldn't get in trouble if you saw--and I don't know, Smeth, I can't pretend anymore that I don't care for him like I do. I... I care about him a lot."

Smeth had opened his mouth to say something before Ophelia held her hand up to continue, but as she finished, he realised that he didn't have anything to say. What do you say to someone who had just admitted that they had fallen for someone during your relationship? If he had to dig down deep inside himself, Smeth knew she was right. Ever since that fateful day when he had discovered that Ophelia had been keeping presents from Grayson, he knew that something was not quite right with them; rather, something had become off. Maybe he had been trying too hard with Ophelia. Their relationship from the start had been nothing but dramatics, from when he had saved her from the Slytherin, to the arranged marriage, to her sacrificing her family for him. Perhaps they had been both too caught up and consumed too really sit down and get to know each other, to see what made each other tick? Maybe Smeth had enjoyed playing the hero. He swallowed hard, and looked at her, Ophelia Llewellyn, his first girlfriend, his first serious love. There was no doubt in his mind that he truly loved her. Had truly loved her.

"Well..." he said at last, his voice low. "I can't say I'm surprised. I wouldn't ask you to pretend and - I'm just glad that you won't have to lie to me anymore. All that stuff." A small part of him still wanted to get angry that Ophelia had blatantly lied to him, lied to him about her "sick uncle" and - a thought just occurred to him that she probably didn't get rid of the letter and perfume from Grayson that they had argued about a long time ago, but he brushed that aside - nearly everything about the later stage of their relationship. However, he knew that it would do no good. He gave her a small, crooked smile. "So it's over, then?"

Ophelia was amazed. No, amazed probably wasn't even a strong enough word for it--she was just.. shocked and astonished and surprised and awed all in one. He was... he wasn't yelling. He didn't even sound angry--hurt, yes, which she had already known he would be, but not pissed off. Not screaming in her face or storming off or freaking out like she had expected him to. It was... ugh, why did he have to be such a good guy? It would almost have been easier if he had gotten mad.

"I guess it is," she agreed quietly, looking to the ground. It hurt to look at him smiling like that because she hated that it had come to this. She was glad they were breaking up, because anyone could have told them that it was a long time coming, she was just.. well, she supposed it was a poignancy that came with the whole business of ending a relationship. She had truly loved Smeth and it wasn't an easy thing to have to finally admit that that love was gone.

Sighing, figuring it probably wasn't going to get any better than that, Lia leaned over and enveloped the other Ravenclaw in a tight hug. "Friends, maybe?"

Smeth had considered, for about a fraction of a minute, to get angry. To get angry and shout out at her - a big part of him felt as if she deserved it if he carried and went on. However, he honestly felt that it would do no good. If they were still together, maybe that would have been an entirely different story altogether, but they were calling it quits and being honest with each other. It really was not going to get any better than that.

Smeth hugged Ophelia back tightly, and gave her a small kiss on the cheek before looking down and giving her yet another small, sad yet genuine smile. "Friends would be great. Take care, Ophelia Llewellyn." He held her for one last moment and let her go, taking a step back. Giving her a small wave, he turned and walked back slowly to the Ravenclaw common room. He felt... not numb, exactly, but numb would have been an excellent adjective to describe his state of mind. No, he felt clear, he felt, rather, like a huge weight was lifted off of his shoulders. It was over. It was really over. He felt sad, certainly, but calm, peaceful.

He would always care for her, certainly, and as he stuck his hands back in his pockets, he struck up a slow whistle. All in all, it was very bittersweet, his first serious love. Did he have regrets about Ophelia? Perhaps he would later find out that he did, but for now, he couldn't say that he regretted a thing overall, despite her confession.

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