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the inscrutable drystan b. fawcett ([info]brythonichero) wrote in [info]wadcock,
Is this honestly how you believe running a team is supposed to be? Are any of us supposed to be taking you seriously after this?

Your selfish and unsportsmanlike behavior cost us playoffs last year, and our team has been under scrutiny ever since, accusing you of being unable to keep your team in line, and questioning your fitness to even be in a position of leadership. I had my doubts about your success as an outsider taking over the Magpies, but I have kept my opinions to myself, trying to believe that you would shape up once you'd become acclimated to the attitudes of all members present. Clearly, I was wrong.

This has gone on long enough. Maggie has every right to be concerned about endorsements, and we were lucky to not be excluded from the All-Stars league this year. If you don't start toeing the line of propriety, I am making a ploy for captaincy. Permanently. I will not see this team suffer under your negligent command any longer.

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