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[Aug. 26th, 2008|09:51 pm]
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would you have let me come to be with you?

it's weird. i have such high hopes for all of you. i can see future artists, writers, life changing people. i wish i had spent more time with all you have when i had the chance.

most of you aren't that far away, but to be honest, things are going to be a lot different.
i say this because my best friend of...well, since forever, she's gone. colleen left yesterday. and everyone who knew me or her knew we were inseparable. to be cliche and super corny, i feel like half of myself is missing. but i have to go on , i guess.

so i'll be the news here in farmington. in case we have a nother miss seaman going rampant, i'll be the first to notify you all.

i start madonna next week, as well. i'm actually not a psych major any longer...

i'm going to be a teacher (: i want to teach kindygarteners...i mean it!

From: [info]empress
2008-08-27 05:06 am (UTC)


seriously, come visit me anytime you want ♥
i'll pay for your ticket!

but yeah . . .
a teacher?
i can totally see that !
[User Picture]From: [info]weetzie
2008-08-27 05:42 am (UTC)


i will visit! just a matter of when [:

i really want to teach little kids...we can fingerpaint together, my kind of intellect.