§ha§ha ƒuиky §hake™'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
§ha§ha ƒuиky §hake™

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[27 Mar 2008|08:54pm]
6 minutes until LOST comes on, then Americ'as best Dance crew....Jabbawockeez better win.

Just wanted to say I had a nice day :) THANK YOU COLLEEEEEN I LOVES YOU MUCHO.

It was nice to get out and hang out with a girl lol AND on top of that watching your dog and my dog interact was pretty funny lol I <3 Cord

I also like hearing about the wedding stuff for some reason it makes me all cheery lol I wish I was getting married damn you! You are lucky that you have a guy like Kyle :) I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT THE EFFING WEDDING....i know, i keep saying that but I mean it lol.
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[ viewing | March 27th, 2008 ]
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