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zinc1hammer ([info]zinc1hammer) wrote,
@ 2013-03-08 14:34:00

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Tips And Tricks On How To Use An Ipad
Hasn't everything already been said about iPads? Some say it is the tool of the future, while others think it is nothing more than a toy. If you are interested in using the iPad, this article can help you.

It is possible to expand the amount of preview text you get for emails. Go to Settings, Mail and find Preview. Change this to "5 lines." Now it is possible to preview more content from each message, making skimming quicker.

You can manage the notifications that come through on your iPad. With multiple apps, you are sure to see lots of alerts and whatnot popping up all the time. Go to the settings and choose notifications. You can easily manage which applications send alerts and which don't. You can customize which alerts you will be shown using this feature, as well as how often alerts are shown.

Turn down the brightness for extended battery life. If you use your iPad a lot and are unable to charge it for some time, this trick is especially beneficial. Decrease the brightness by double tapping the Home icon.

It is possible to gain access to all apps that are currently running on your iPad. Just push the Home button twice in succession to show an icon for each running app. You can scroll through the applications or choose one of them. Just swipe downward on your screen to remove this bar.

You can change alert notifications that you get for Wi-Fi networks with ease. You will see the choice that asks if you want to join networks. Choose this and all those invitations will stop.

You will be using VPN networks if you are trying to get in contact with remote servers. In order to connect to a VPN network through your iPad, navigate to Settings and select the Network tab. Then, select the VPN feature. After configuration, it will request your screen-name and the address for the server. Talk to the network admin if you need the information required.

Add extra email addresses and phone numbers to FaceTime. Your iPad's FaceTime includes the email you used to set it up with by default; however, it's possible to add more addresses. If there are more emails or even phone numbers where you want FaceTime to recognize, you can set them up in the settings area of the iPad.

If you keep important personal data stored on your iPad, be sure you have a backup of that information stored on another drive. In addition, it's possible to set the iPad to eliminate all information when someone attempts to use it. Go to "Password Lock" underneath general settings then set to erase the data whenever an incorrect password is entered ten times.

If you find your iPad isn't charging when plugged into the front of your computer, try plugging it into the back. USB powers tend to have lower power in the front of the computer, as USB powers can be different. If you still have trouble, simply purchase an adapter for a wall socket.

Now that you've finished reading this article, you know much more about your iPad. You can use your iPad for virtually any purpose, ranging from weather forecasting to toys your kids can play with. You will discover that this device can literally do it all, which will allow you to get rid of your useless gadgets. best android tablet

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