Dresden Academy

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Dresden Academy


December 19th, 2011

Holiday Gift Exchange

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Christine Allen
Every year Christine Allen set up the annual gift exchange, something a little different from a secret santa.

Students could drop presents by her office the week before the official exchange. Some packages were anonymous, some from parents who wanted their kids to have a little gift basket of snacks to finish off the semester, some were from professors or fellow students who wanted to share in the spirit of the holiday season.

By the end of the week she'd send out a fleet of little owls inviting anyone who received a present to drop by her office Monday afternoon to pick it up.

September 28th, 2011

Text to Veronica

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leland sweet
You got plans for homecoming Miss Pres?

June 13th, 2011

The sandpocalypse is nigh!

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cinna: eager
Who: Everyone!
When: Friday July 8th
Where: South Beach, Miami
What: Cinna throws the first beach bash of the summer!
Rating: Xenu only knows.

School had been out barely a day before Cinna sent out a mass email inviting everyone ever to come hang out. She figured after Independence Day people would probably be sick of their families already, so proposed the weekend after that: a beach party on Friday and if anyone wanted to stay for the rest of the weekend they were more than welcome.

Friday couldn't come quickly enough. Part of the beach had been blocked off for them very early in the day, and Cinna's parents had very thoughtfully hired some entertainment-- a series of beach vans, one with ice creams and slushies, another with food, a third with a bar and an attendant paid to look the other way, and a little DJ booth on wheels.

The sky was endlessly blue, not a cloud in sight to spoil the day ahead, and the beach was clear and ready for the shenanigans to begin.

June 4th, 2011

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leland disturbed
Who: Leland and Pepper
When: BACKDATED, beginning of last summer
Where: St. George's Way
What: Leland buys a new wand.W
Rating: SFW


May 24th, 2011

Letter to Veronica (backdated to the day after prom)

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leland pout
Veronica, I am so sorry. I didn't mean for the fight to happen and once I get to that point I can't stop. Is there any way I can make it up to you? -Leland

May 22nd, 2011

Quodpot and Quidditch Tryouts (open to all students)

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Tryouts run from May 23rd to the 27th, from 3:30pm until dinner time. Some coaches may have students return after dinner for callbacks.

Students interested in trying out for Quodpot and Quidditch are invited to the pitches on the day designated for their house. Tryouts usually consist of several tests run by the coach and his or her current assistant; each tryout varies depending on the coach.

Current team members must tryout again to regain their spots on the team. Seniors and university students are ineligible to tryout. Students are invited to sit in the stands and watch tryouts, but coaches may bar rowdy students if they get out of hand.

Results of the tryouts will be posted in that house's main lounge or be sent out via w-mail at the discretion of the team coach.

OOC Bits )

May 13th, 2011

The Prom

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Seamus Morgendorfer
Cinna Thompson had almost single handedly pulled the prom together. The ballroom was decorated with festoons of floating flowers. Stars hung from the ceiling, each set to sparkle as if they were properly in the sky. The outskirts of the room were set with small round tables that could accommodate one or two couples. A table of refreshments was guarded at all times by Seamus Morgendorfer and a rotating cast of other faculty who volunteered to chaperon for the evening.

A glittery ballot box stood next to the entrance where students were set to write down their chosen prom king and queen and drop their tickets into the box. Students began to stream in after dinner to quiet music playing over the speakers. The band, a local group called Vampira was scheduled to begin playing around 7:30.

Needless to say it was going to be an excellent evening.

OOC Bits )

May 3rd, 2011

Scheduling for Next Year (open to 3rd years through university students)

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Nathaniel Dawkins
Upperclassmen had been sent home with pamphlets over spring break to think about their options for the next semester. Third year students could pick up an elective for their freshmen year, fourth years could pick up two electives as sophomores; those meetings tended to go the quickest. It was the meetings with fifth years and beyond that tended to take up the full 15 minutes alloted to them.

These students had to receive recommendations to take advanced classes, or opt to take electives. Last year Nathaniel Dawkins had tried to talk everyone out of taking magical crafting, if only because that class filled up so fast they had to open another section of it. He had their files arranged already; all the students signed up for time slots earlier in the week. Professors had already sent Dawkin's their recommendations; those had been read and placed among their academic transcripts.

The university students were another group altogether. They had to select a mentor and core focus for their fall semester and if they could look ahead and think about what they wanted in the spring as well. They'd need additional meetings later in the semester with their chosen mentor; thankfully that was out of Dawkin's hands.

Students would be wandering in and out of classes for their fifteen minute blocks, but this was the standard practice for this time of year. Dr. Dawkins was ready, about as ready as he ever was.

OOC Notes )

April 28th, 2011

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leland contemplating
Who: Leland and Open!
Where: On campus
When: After class on Thursday
What: Leland is out catching some rays
Rating: SFW but language

Despite the rain it had been a pretty stellar week in the North country. The grass was growing in nice and soft just how Leland liked it, the sun was warm and the breeze was just right. On such a fine day Leland choose to take a step back from teasing the underclassmen and wander outside with Emili curled around his shoulders. He found a nice quiet spot where he figured he wouldn't get disturbed or find temptation looming near by and he laid himself down in the grass, adjusting Emili so she could lounge on his chest. Closing his eyes, he smiled. and took in a lungful of fresh spring air.

It had been a while since he allowed himself some quiet, it was a nice change in pace from his constant go-go-go lifestyle. He was quietly content with his eyes closed until his sunlight was blocked. He felt the shadow fall over his face. A little frown curled his lips downward. "I didn't know we were scheduled for a solar eclipse," he said before opening his eyes.
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