14 June 1982 @ 03:40 pm
Davy (again)  
At least this time she was going to Davy's flat - that meant that he couldn't just decide not to show up. She supposed it could be possible that she'd just show up to his place to find it empty, but Davy really did seem like he wanted to talk this time. Maybe last time she'd just been ... too forceful, she'd gone too fast. He had just needed time to adjust to her being back, and she was sure he'd had other things on his mind.

He was getting married now, after all, and also apparently having a baby - his ex-girfriend was probably the last thing on his mind. She didn't want to think that she had any right to claim she was still important to him after she'd just up and left. She coughed and cleared her throat, announcing the location of Davy's place with a voice that was just a little too loud and then stepping into the flames.

She hadn't even been in direct contact with anyone since she'd been back except through the journals. She'd been working at a muggle record store, sleeping in a crappy apartment... but she'd been happier. She didn't want to go home to her brother and her parents just yet; she was still concerned they were going to skin her on-sight. She brushed off her jeans as she slipped out of the floo, looking around and hoping that Davy's fiancee wasn't here too. Wouldn't that be awkward.

02 June 1982 @ 01:40 pm
owled to family and friends  
owls! )
06 April 1982 @ 03:05 pm
Davy, bb  
She'd gotten to the park at five thirty not because she had been worried about being late, but because she had wanted a little time to think about what exactly she was going to say to Davy when he showed up -- if he showed up. The longer that she sat on the bench and stared out at the pond, the surer she was that he probably wouldn't show up.

It would've been much easier if he didn't for both of them, really. Davy had said that he wasn't able to write her out of his life completely, though. That had been hard for her to hear, even though she wasn't surprised by it. She'd been hoping that he'd started hating her guts and then eventually forgotten about her in the past year or so, but things rarely seemed to go the way she wanted them to. She'd come back to Ian's life in shambles and her parents even madder than she'd thought they were going to be. On top of that, she had to deal with all the guilt that had been building in the pit of her stomach since she'd left. At least Phoebe had been -- well, as wonderful as Phoebe had always been, really. If one of her best friends had been too angry to even speak to her, she'd probably have just crawled back into the Underground.

Ellie sighed, stubbing out the cigarette she'd smoked completely down to the filter on the wood of the bench and tossing it into a bin.

This was going to suck.
29 July 1981 @ 12:01 am
Official Ministry Owl to Vinny Gudgeon  
I need you to come get me out of MLE holding cells.

And bring some money for bail.

And an attorney.

- Davy
29 July 1981 @ 12:56 am
WHO: Miranda Dodderidge (it's a narrative, but Davy Gudgeon is there doing his thang. And Xeno's around too!)
WHAT: A ministry protest disguised as a muggle performacne
WHERE: Godric's Hollow

Ma'am, I'm going to have to ask you to stop spinning! )
28 July 1980 @ 07:42 pm
Who: Davy Gudgeon & Ralph Frobisher
What: Ralph tells Davy he is alive!
Where: Davy's flat
When: Now!

So if you're staying away from everything, what do you do all day? Wander around the muggle world? Do you have a job and stuff? A new girlfriend? )
19 July 1979 @ 06:07 pm
Open to all invited!  
"I'm glad you could come!"

Meredith waved to one of the many people whom she recognized and took a sip out of the glass she was holding. She looked around, surveying the people who had come--this party had definitely been a good idea, just look at everyone who had shown up! It was almost as good as the parties that those rich Slytherin girls threw, except that none of them were there. Which was alright, she told herself, because they were rude anyway, but how cool would it have been if a party she and Phoebe threw had actually attracted one or two?

There was a big bonfire blazing a few meters away and Meredith went over to place herself down in the sand around it. She leaned back on her hands and stretched her legs out, watching the silhouettes of her feet as she wiggled her toes. It was going to be murder to get all of this sand off of her at the end of the night, but none of that mattered right now. This was awesome and nothing was about to spoil her night.
16 March 1979 @ 12:05 pm

Davy picked up a little blue bonnet and twirled it around his finger, looking over the store and seeing the division of clothes - it was like a muted, pastel rainbow with blues on one side and pinks on the other with lots of other mixed colours in the middle like yellow and green. He was a little disappointed that no one was having a boy, because okay, the girl stuff was cute, but there were just so many dresses Davy could look at before wanting to find himself in some pub, listening to the wireless and spitting on the floor.

But it had been his idea to go shopping, though Davy had kind of thought it would be window shopping and maybe stuff for his new flat, but they'd passed by a baby store and well there was no reason not to, plus, it wasn't like Ellie'd gotten a lot of time to shop for Baby Bell while being at school. He spotted something bright and grinned, setting the bonnet down and headed over to it. Pulling the onesie off the rack, Davy turned to where Ellie was perusing a wall of very frilly dresses and called out to her.

"Hey Ellie, what do you think?" Davy held up the orange article of clothing under his chin so she could read the text that said '#1 Cannons Fan'.

21 February 1979 @ 12:24 pm
Who: Ludo Bagman and Ralph Merridew
Where: Hallways
When: Thursday afternoon

The week before Quidditch matches was always intense, at least for Ludo. It wasn't has if there was a huge rivalry between Gryffindor and Hufflpeuff, but this game could make or break a team's chances at the cup. They both needed a big win to compete with the damn Claws. Ludo probably needed this more than anyone with the stupid bet he'd put on his own team. He was distracted by nerves and thoughts as he walked through teh hallway and didn't notice the large group of Gryffindors heading his way, Ralph Merridew among them. Play practice ever since he'd snogged Miranda had been interesting to say the least, and Ralph didn't really care to have anything to do with Ludo...which he could really care less about. It was Ralph's own damn fault for breaking up with Miranda and if he was stupid enough to assume that she wasn't free game then that was his problem.