metempsychosis - mods

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metempsychosis - mods

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  1. They may be past gods, but there is to be NO GODMODDING. Basically: if you want to do or describe something that will affect someone else's character, make sure their player is cool with it first. This extends to NPCs and major landmarks (of which, you should talk it over with the mods, first).
  2. Think of the kiddies! Any RP with strongly explicit violence and/or sex should be taken to a character's journal under a cut tag with a disclaimer. Any of these sorts of scenes should occur only between two consenting players over the age of 18.
  3. You should be reasonably active with each of your characters. Meaning: A character should either make or be involved with a post at least twice a month and threads should be finished in a timely manner. They may take as long as they need to, but there shouldn't be delays of more than two days between tags unless previously worked out between players. No one's character should be left hanging!
    • Corollary: If a character is inactive for more than a month, that character will be written out of the story and removed from the game unless the player has previously asked for a hiatus from the game.
    • Addendum: To be counted for activity, threads/logs/posts MUST be made within the community. Things that take place in a character's journal or in an IM only will not be counted. If you do make a thread in a character journal you want counted (in the case of rule #2), at the very least a link should be posted to the community as well.
  4. All characters should, at minimum, have basic physical appearance information, background information, and a short summary of the deity they are the incarnation of, if applicable, on their userinfo as well as some form of contact information for the player (i.e. email or instant messenger information, preferably both!).
    • If you feel uncomfortable publicly posting your contact info, there's nothing wrong with making it viewable by friends only.
  5. Drama is frowned upon. If you have a problem with another player, try to work it out like civilized adults. If you can't, please take it to the mods for mediation.
  6. Lastly, the "elastic clause": the mods retain full discretion to administrate the game as they see fit for situations not covered explicitly under these rules.
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