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kat ([info]val0) wrote in [info]addme,
@ 2008-01-31 23:41:00

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Well, I came here to make friends, and it seems like not even half of them update! I like friends who are active, because I'm activte whenever I'm not working! Here's some of my favortie music...

30 Seconds To Mars, AFI, Alkaline Trio, Armor For Sleep, Atreyu, August Burns Red, Avenged Sevenfold, Black Dahlia Murder, blessthefall, Brand New, Bring Me the Horizon, Britney Spears, Bullet For My Valentine, Coldplay, Combichrist, Deftones, Emmure, Finch, Flyleaf, GlassJAW, HIM, Horrorpops, KMFDM, Lovedrug, Marilyn Manson, Moria, My Chemical Romance, NOFX, Oasis, the Offspring, Papa Roach, Paramore, Placebo, Radiohead, Rammstein, scarling., Skinny Puppy, Turbonegro, and more.

And a small bio about myself:

I love music, individulaity, Marlboro's and body art. I long to have talent in drawing, and I try to build my own style. I love animals of all kinds. I hope to one day have a house full of reptiles, dogs, cats, hedgehogs, horses and fish! I love food, but I wish I knew how to cook. I shop at Target and Victoria's Secret constantly. I think a good pair of sunglasses can make any outfit. I think "anorexia" and "bulimia" today is nothing but a fashion statement, and kids need to get over themselves and how "fat" they are. I'm a hardcore lurker and a part time Barista at your local Starbucks. Never take friendship and love for granted, because I guarantee that not even these things will last forever. Live a little. Life's too short.

I love meeting new people. Don't be shyy :]

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