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VIII ([info]axel) wrote in [info]addme,
@ 2008-02-16 01:24:00

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Hi. I'm Yami. I'm twenty-two, female, and I live in Southern California. I'm just starting off as an EMT and will (hopefully) eventually go onto be a Firefighter-Paramedic. I'm a nerd, I like to take things apart and put them back together, and I watch the History and Discovery channels. Not into anime/manga or video games as much as I used to be, but I still follow one or two.

movies: The Fifth Element, Gladiator, Transformers, all M. Night Shyamalan films. So many others. Monster/Alien movies are my favorites, though.
tv shows: Anything on the History/Discovery channels, The Girls Next Door, House MD, Firefly, Heroes, Futurama.
music: Nine Inch Nails, The Birthday Massacre, Alkaline Trio, The Used.

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