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grand ([info]grand) wrote in [info]addme,
@ 2008-07-28 03:17:00

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hi! i'm daizi leigh and i'm eighteen years old. that feels really weird to say, i'm so used to saying seventeen. anyway i'm excited for the big world to come and eat me up, after august is half way through i'm moving out of the nest and into my very own place, well at least the upper floor. see i'm gonna live with this old woman named florence, but she's bed ridden so she can't get upstairs hence why she's renting, i'm forking over the bills. i have a boyfriend of four months, and i love him so much. my life is bound to be pretty interesting once i'm on my own, i promise. i'm a wine junkie, hand me any type of wine and i'll drink it, it's candy to my lips. i could really use some new friends so i'm tempted to stay on this site :( i really want to get back into journaling again! oh and this is what i look like :D

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2008-07-31 12:40 am UTC (link)
hi i'm sam, add me?
btw you're really pretty!

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