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with a name like ([info]danicalifornia) wrote in [info]addme,
@ 2008-11-07 15:01:00

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Current mood: amused

Hey all.

So, I'm pretty new to this site, and was hoping to make some friends so that I don't look like a creepshow just stalking communities, haha. Oh yeah, and I guess that thing called "meeting new people" is all right, too. ;D

Anyway, I'm female, 23, and Canadian. Alias-wise, I go by "Gai", as a female derivation of Guy Cecil's name -- Gailardia. I love my country, music, sports, and dabble in the occasional video game. My favourites are Tales of the Abyss (WHO WOULDA GUESSED?), Tales of Symphonia, Okami (shit was great) and I freaking loved the Starfox series, I don't care what anyone says! Sonic was all right too, if we're going all nostalgic. And you gotta love the old-school Mario games! Mario 2 & 3 FOR THE FUCKING WIN. I'm all right with the Final Fantasy series, but I feel like it's pretty over-rated these days, so I won't go naming the good and bad of it.

I'm sometimes vulgar, sometimes sickeningly sweet, always honest, and love a good laugh. Oh yeah, I'm also TERRIBLY sarcastic.

So, uh, nice to meet you? Heh.

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