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Rule Update [May. 11th, 2010|01:01 am]
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Update in [info]all_icontest rules. While I know it's unrealistic to expect all icons to be made from non-fanart sources, after discussing it with a friend I think it might be a good idea to adhere at least a bit more to the OFP. However, it won't be quite as strict as I know a lot of people like to use fanart, so here's the deal: You may use fanart/doujinshi as long as you can credit the artist. Uploading the original image is the same as using the artist's work without permission or crediting it. This means, if you don't know where the artwork came from, you cannot use it. However, as long as you can credit the artist either by name or by linking to the artist's website/deviant art or other art-hosting site account, then that's fine. That said, this rule will be in effect from week 10 onward.

Thank you for your cooperation and I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but it's unfair to expect people to properly credit your icons if you don't properly credit the art that you made the icons from. I'm guilty of doing this in the past as well, so this isn't directly outing anyone, but I think it's a good practice to make sure that the right person gets the right credit. When winners are posted for each week from now on, by the way, I will start including the subject, what the subject's from, and the artist of the art if applicable after each winning icon. :D

I really hope this isn't too much trouble, but I hope you guys understand. Thank you!

[User Picture]From: [info]kiokushitaka
2010-05-11 06:58 am (UTC)


I don't have a problem with the new rule, but not all of us require people to credit our icons, so that reasoning doesn't apply to me, lol. I don't care if people credit me or not because the images I use aren't mine.

I don't mind the rule, and I view it as a challenge, but sometimes I wonder why people get so butthurt/their panties in a twist over fanart. I guess it's because I know that in the big scheme of things, some fanartist from Japan can't do shit to me legally, but if Funimation or hell, in some cases, if the Associated Press really wanted to kick my ass legally they could because I have used their photos and screencaps without written permission.

I guess what I'm trying to say is I think people should stop throwing fits over characters they don't even own. Yes, I realize the art is theirs, and that it takes time to create, I am not discrediting them because I also draw fanart. I just don't understand where their ... delusions of ownership stem from.

Again, I don't mind the rule and I'm not trying to say you're stupid or anything. I'm just explaining why I personally dismiss the OFP.
[User Picture]From: [info]kogarasumaru
2010-05-11 07:09 am (UTC)


Yeah I know. Believe me, I totally understand but I also understand the other side of the argument. A lot of people put a lot of work into creating the art and if the artist themself supports the OFP, then I think we should respect that. If the artist doesn't care if their stuff is used, that's totally cool too and if I were fully trying to support it I would say don't use fanart at all.

Personally I only have a problem when people try to claim things as their own when they didn't put any hand into making it, but I can completely see the other side of the argument as well.

(I personally would appreciate my artwork being used in another person's icons, because that would mean someone likes my art better than I do but uh. I get the other side too.)
[User Picture]From: [info]kiokushitaka
2010-05-11 07:20 am (UTC)


It's especially hilarious to me when some shitty artist is all like DON'T USE MY STUFF >:U and I'm like BRO YOU NEED ALL THE FREE ADVERTISING YOU CAN GET WTF MANG. XD And yes I have seen it. ;x

I'm glad you're like in the same boat as me artwise. I would be THRILLED if someone used my art in their icons. I don't care if they credit me or not, either. I just like making people happy. XD

Like before I was banned from 4chan I would see some of my yaoi pics show up on /y/ and it made me the happiest person ever because it meant someone liked my stuff enough to save it, and then to share it with other people who might also be interested.

I don't think I've used a lot of fanart in this icontest because when the subject isn't limited to anime/manga/videogames I can just find a photo on google or something so that's why I'm not all >:U HDU I'M NOT SUBMITTING TO YOU AGAIN!!1!

It's good that you're allowing it with conditions. I'll probably just stop using it though because I save all the fanart to my HD and I don't make a note of where I got it or keep links to all the artists I leech from on pixiv. I'm lazy, I admit to it. So I'll take the easy way out.
[User Picture]From: [info]kogarasumaru
2010-05-11 07:28 am (UTC)


Mmkay first of all, is there a funny story behind you getting banned from 4chan? Because if there is I would like to hear it for my own amusement. XD

Buuut other than that, I do the same thing a lot. I'll google image seach most of the images for my icons then do stuff with it from there. I have a lot of stuff saved to my hard drive, but personally as you can probably tell a lot of the stuff I use is from doujinshi (...usually the same artist too. I have a preference >>;)

BUT yeah. I'm glad you're not mad. >_< I didn't wanna upset anyone by implementing this rule or anything, but I think it's more fair to do it this way just... morally. Or something.
[User Picture]From: [info]kiokushitaka
2010-05-11 07:33 am (UTC)


It's more of a stupid story. I got banned via wrong place wrong time. I don't know how it happened but my IP apparently spammed them. And I'm now permanently banned from all boards for spamming. Even though I never actually did it that I'm aware of. :|

If you're worried someone is going to find the icons and bitch, I wouldn't be since this is such a small site and most of those weirdos lurk on LJ though I do remember once this girl from DeviantArt found out I made an icon from a picture she drew and she left me a really nasty anonymous comment about how I was disrespectful and that I needed to take down that icon immediately or else! (Or else what? No, really). Because she was such a cunt about it I just made the entry members only and made fun of her. Because, wtf. Even if I violated your rules you should be more professional than name-calling. Respect isn't deserved, it's earned.
[User Picture]From: [info]kogarasumaru
2010-05-11 07:42 am (UTC)


That's like my cell phone. My current number is like. Cursed. I get all sorts of random text messages from people who don't know me and don't know each other, or completely blank text messages, or sometimes nonsensical ones and SOMETIMES people screaming at me for not leaving them alone and I'm like "D: I don't even know who the hell you are woman."

Yeah I know, but it's just sort of the right thing to do. I guess it's like if the fanartists started claiming that the character design and name and all that stuff was their own idea, 'cept on a smaller scale. Like I said, morally, it's right to do it this way. I know that I wouldn't have to worry about that sort of thing on Scribbld since there are so few people here, but y'know, it's just something good to do.
[User Picture]From: [info]kiokushitaka
2010-05-11 07:44 am (UTC)


No that's fine and good that you want to do what you perceive to be morally correct. I personally disagree, but I respect your views. :)
[User Picture]From: [info]kogarasumaru
2010-05-11 07:45 am (UTC)


Though I do laugh at the overreacty nasty comment. I find that just asking nicely tends to always work a lot better than an onslaught of childish name-calling and possibly cursing.

The way I figure it, if you wouldn't say something that you wouldn't say unless you were anonymous, you probably shouldn't say it to begin with.

Unless it's just to screw with someone jokingly. Like commenting on a neighbor's post anonymously and being like "8o) I know where you live~ <3" or something. Just to mess with their head. That is acceptable. The only times I ever go anon are if I don't feel like creating an account for something. XD;
[User Picture]From: [info]manlygraphics
2010-05-11 05:44 pm (UTC)


It's especially hilarious to me when some shitty artist is all like DON'T USE MY STUFF >:U and I'm like BRO YOU NEED ALL THE FREE ADVERTISING YOU CAN GET WTF MANG. XD And yes I have seen it. ;x

OH LMAO I know I always roll my eyes because it'll be like. A stick figure or worse a COLORED OR TRACED VERSION OF SOMEONE ELSE'S GOOD FANART and they'll think it's the next masterpiece. I should start putting a little thing on the end of each of my pieces saying PLEASE USE MY ARTWORK. PLEASE DON'T CREDIT ME.
[User Picture]From: [info]kiokushitaka
2010-05-11 06:27 pm (UTC)


The tracings are the worst, that's real stealing!