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Rule Update [May. 11th, 2010|01:01 am]


Update in [info]all_icontest rules. While I know it's unrealistic to expect all icons to be made from non-fanart sources, after discussing it with a friend I think it might be a good idea to adhere at least a bit more to the OFP. However, it won't be quite as strict as I know a lot of people like to use fanart, so here's the deal: You may use fanart/doujinshi as long as you can credit the artist. Uploading the original image is the same as using the artist's work without permission or crediting it. This means, if you don't know where the artwork came from, you cannot use it. However, as long as you can credit the artist either by name or by linking to the artist's website/deviant art or other art-hosting site account, then that's fine. That said, this rule will be in effect from week 10 onward.

Thank you for your cooperation and I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but it's unfair to expect people to properly credit your icons if you don't properly credit the art that you made the icons from. I'm guilty of doing this in the past as well, so this isn't directly outing anyone, but I think it's a good practice to make sure that the right person gets the right credit. When winners are posted for each week from now on, by the way, I will start including the subject, what the subject's from, and the artist of the art if applicable after each winning icon. :D

I really hope this isn't too much trouble, but I hope you guys understand. Thank you!

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