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Snow White ([info]fairestofall) wrote in [info]blackforestooc,
@ 2011-01-11 14:50:00

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Figured I should introduce myself. I'm Carol and at present I play two characters here.

First up is Puss in Boots ([info]themarquis). Up front he's a friendly congenial cat. Sometimes he pretends to be a cat, sometimes he'll introduce himself right away. What you don't know about Puss is that he's an ancient shapeshifter. He can shift his form by consuming blood, or at his master's whim. At present he is master-less.

Second up is Snow White ([info]fairestofall). She's a little bit Snow White and Rose Red, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Snow White from Fables. In this incarnation she's been failed by the people she loves and has turned a bit evil. You wouldn't know it though, as she's sweet and kind on the surface, playing the nice girl while she plots her revenge.

I look forward to whacky plots and adventures!

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2011-01-11 07:39 pm UTC (link)
*waves* We were chatting on AIM before but I figure this is as good a place as any to introduce myself as well. ;)

I'm Ana and I currently play two characters. Am currently wavering on whether (and who) I want to app another.

First is Elani (this journal) and she's an original character from the Inkworld books by Cornelia Funke (if you saw Inkheart with Brendan Fraser and Paul Bettany a while back, the movie is based off the first book. As usual, the books are better. Though I am quite fond of Paul Bettany's Dustfinger. Uh...anyway!). She's a nice girl. Like, seriously, just a nice girl with a penchant for singing. Also rather innocent, despite her upbringing among traveling players. She's well aware of the things people do but it's just somehow never actually touched her.

The other is Prince Phillip ([info]princeupondream), mostly based off Disney's version of Sleeping Beauty (though really, does the prince ever in these sorts of stories get much characterization beyond "strong and brave"?). He is indeed strong and brave and quite thoroughly in love with his bride to be (too bad he left her behind). He's also well aware of his status in the world (such as it is) and bullheaded enough for a herd of minotaurs.

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2011-01-11 09:17 pm UTC (link)
Hi again!

Puss already adores Elani. I'm not sure how Snow would react to her, maybe see her as the sort of innocent, nice girl she used to be.

Snow would be attracted to Phillip, but she would fight it tooth and nail.

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2011-01-11 09:20 pm UTC (link)

Elani is quite easily adorable. She is like...the complete opposite of EVERYONE ELSE I'VE EVER PLAYED. Ask EJ.

Hahaha, Phillip would be all, "....I'm already betrothed, you know." He's so cute and old-fashioned that way. (I have no idea what we'll do if a Sleeping Beauty shows up.)

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