Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

October 31st, 2011


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Date: November 1st, 2011 06:58 pm (UTC)


"Same t-thing," Tatum sighed, taking the joint back and holding it between her lips, puffing thoughtfully for a moment before Eden's comment made her eyes go wide. "Fuck, y-you're disgusting."

Lifting her eyes a bit, she watched the other girl stroking her pocket with a look of mild disgust. There was no telling what she was up to, but she was curious. "Halloween business such as?"
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Date: November 1st, 2011 07:04 pm (UTC)


Eden gave Tatum a serious look and drew the bag closer. "Ya don't wanna know" she muttered, before seeming to mull something over in her head. "Fancy a little fun? Halloween fun, just ya know, gereal acts of vandalism, nothin' too heavy."

She reached into the bag and pulled out a bottle of vodka and passed it to the red head as a peace offering.
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Date: November 1st, 2011 07:11 pm (UTC)


When Eden told her she didn't want to know, she believed her. But she sort of did want to know, and goddamnit, they both knew it. She got her every single time with some stupid stunt. "I dunno if I'm r-really fun," she replied automatically.

Reaching out to take the vodka with her free hand, she passed the joint off to Eden and then looked down to the bottle again. She sighed heavily. "I c-can't drink this straight, that's gross. I'm not like t-that anymore."

She hadn't chugged straight liquor since going to parties with Frankie. But those were different times and they had been more out of control then, cared less. She was in university now, could she really be out doing shots of hard liquor with teenagers? In the woods? She groaned, twisting the cap off anyway.
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Date: November 1st, 2011 07:17 pm (UTC)


"Be a fuckin' man!" Eden yelled. It was surprisingly easy to bully the other girl into doing her bidding, there must be a small part of her that wanted to act out, otherwise why would she always go along with Eden's schemes? She smiled at Tatum as she heard the cap twist, and putting the joint between her lips, she hoisted the bag onto her back (it was pretty weighty) and staggered to her feet. She started to walk, not towards the party, but off towards the dorms.

"Hurry up!" she yelled again, disappearing into the darkness.
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Date: November 1st, 2011 07:25 pm (UTC)


Tatum winced when Eden shouted at her, but she nodded dutifully and brought the bottle to her lips despite her earlier insistence on mix. She coughed a little as the chug of alcohol burned her throat, and by the time that she looked up, Eden was already walking away.

"W-Wait up! Wait for me!" she yelled after her, scrambling to her feet and taking a quick look behind them, back in the direction of the party. She could still hear music, see some of the lights and decorations. She glanced at Eden again, and then back to the party once more.

"Wait!" the redhead called again as she realized that Eden was practically gone, finally giving in she jogged into the darkness after the younger girl. Vodka from the open bottle slopped over her hand as she ran.
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Date: November 1st, 2011 08:01 pm (UTC)


Eden was hunched over on the outskirts of the wood and called Tatum over when she caught up, taking the vodka and swigging rapidly. Rooting through the bag, she passed Tatum a can of silly string and straightening up, revealing the toilet paper in her arms.

"I reckon we've got at least enough toilet paper to cover Quirank, those nerds are probably all in bed already!"
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Date: November 1st, 2011 08:08 pm (UTC)


Fumbling with the can a bit, Tatum squinted down at the label before looking up to see Eden's arms laden with rolls of toilet paper. She paled in the darkness, glancing over her shoulder in the direction of the party again.

They did stuff like this at home, but that was Maine, middle of nowhere. They could get expelled or something for vandalizing the school, couldn't they? Though she supposed if they got caught, when they found the amount of weed on her, toilet paper would be her last concern.

"Quirank?" Tatum echoed, brightening up a bit as she looked in that direction instead. "Fuck t-them, let's do it."

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry