Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

September 16th, 2011


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Date: September 18th, 2011 05:16 pm (UTC)


One day down, one to go. Today had been a lot less taxing than yesterday for Samir, not being tied to a table. He'd actually quite enjoyed all the free food the cheffy students were handing out but the Alumini drinks had been tedious at best. At least it was over now and tomorrow would be something very exciting. In fact, it was so exciting that Samir had to leave his room to stop from pacing, instead grabbing a pack of cigarettes and heading outside. He was near Shenandoah and wrapped up in his own thoughts so much that he didn't even notice a student until he was practically running her down.

Frowning a little he looked down at the girl. He'd enevr caught a student smoking before but considering his own lit cigarette dangling from his lips, he'd feel a little ridiculous handing out any punishments. "Sorry" he muttered, side stepping Alex a little and intending to head off.
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Date: September 18th, 2011 05:41 pm (UTC)


Alex was surprised when she opened her eyes again and Samir was suddenly in front of her. Almost immediately though, her surprised expression turned into a languid smile. "Don't be," she replied easily. She recognized him a little, he was one of the teaching assistants she was pretty sure. He was one of her favorite supervisors in dueling club, one of the ones who didn't seem to pay any attention. Just like she liked.

"Shouldn't you spank me or something? I'm breaking the rules, aren't I?" she asked easily, cocking an eyebrow at him. Support staff were fun, they didn't really have any of that super important influence. Especially just some student teacher. But he still could have busted her, and aside from the obvious hypocrisy it posed, she wanted to know why. It was nice to know some of the staff seemingly just didn't give a fuck either.
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Date: September 18th, 2011 05:49 pm (UTC)


Samir groaned inwardly and surpressed his desire to high tail it out of there. She was one of those difficult students, he supposed. "Not any of my rules" he mumbled. "I can report you to someone if that's what you really want. Or perhaps get you scrubbin' some first year cauldrons."
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Date: September 18th, 2011 06:02 pm (UTC)


"Ugh," Alex groaned loudly, as if he had suggested something truly offensive, rolling her eyes right after. "The only thing I'll do to first years and their cauldrons is stuff them into the things, thanks."

She took another drag of her cigarette, holding it in for a while before letting it go. "Duh."
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Date: September 18th, 2011 06:43 pm (UTC)


Samir cracked a smile. "Didn't think so" he said studying the girl a little harder. She seemed a little familiar. "Y'all in divination or something?"
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Date: September 18th, 2011 06:49 pm (UTC)


"No way, forget that," Alex replied quickly, shaking her head. "Combative magic is more of my speed. You've seen my moves, haven't you? I mean, you're so attentive in dueling club.. I know you see every little thing that goes on," she smirked.
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Date: September 18th, 2011 06:58 pm (UTC)


Samir rolled his head back and laughed slightly. "Right, right. Gimme some credit, I knew I'd seen you somewhere" he shrugged. "Where's your parents, anyways?"
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Date: September 18th, 2011 07:09 pm (UTC)


Alex laughed a little as well, though it quickly dried up at the mention of her parents. She shook her head dismissively, her shoulders rising and falling in a weak shrug. "I guess daddy is probably still living out his former glory days with his old friends and a cup of brandy.. and mother, well.. who cares? Eaten by something escaped from the Care of Magical Creatures class, if we were so lucky."
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Date: September 18th, 2011 07:20 pm (UTC)


At the mention of brandy Samir got a craving for a nice, cold beer and cursed himself for not bringing one along. Although the would be harder to explain to student who caught him walking around smoking and drinking. Relaxing a little he rolled his eyes at Alex and shook his head. Girls. "Y'all only get one momma. She birthed you."

Samir removed his sweater and undid his top button. There was no harm in slacking on his clothes since all the parents were probably tanked by now anyway. "Why aint you at some wild party then? Seems odd for a girl to be wanderin' late by herself."
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Date: September 18th, 2011 07:35 pm (UTC)


Alex snorted. "I might only get one, but I'd trade her in if I could," she replied, half-joking. Or at least trying to sound like she was. Just thinking about her mother made her roll her eyes again. "She's a whore and a-- muggle lover. How uncouth," she sighed.

She gave another shrug at Samir's question about partying. "I don't need to be around a bunch of drunk whores to have a party. Maybe I was going to have a private function," she suggested absently, gesturing with the cigarette in her hand.
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Date: September 18th, 2011 07:44 pm (UTC)


Samir's eyes flickered up briefly at the mention of 'muggle loving' and has brain started ticking. Hadn't Gemma been talking about recruiting from the school? Students leading the revolution? It was only one thing but perhaps it was a start. He decided not to reveal anything now. It was too risky. "Talk like that can get you into deep trouble" he reminded her, careful to blow his smoke away from her.

She was quite an odd girl, he supposed. Kind of stuck up. Samir wasn't sure if he liked her all that much but she was good at dueling. "You're missin' your youth. Just wait 'til y'all's as old as me and then you'll regret not goin' to high school parties" he joked.
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Date: September 18th, 2011 08:10 pm (UTC)


Alex rolled her eyes dramatically. "Ohhhh, I'm so scared," she sighed through her own exhale. She offered none of the same courtesy, blowing her smoke right at him even as he blew his away.

"I throw the best parties these bitches ever see," she informed him. "When I'm feeling especially sympathetic for them.. because seriously, you should see some of the losers who throw parties around here. And people just go! Like, I'm sorry, but I'm not going in some muggle hovel just because everyone else thinks it's okay. Have some self-respect," she scoffed. She supposed she was running her mouth a bit, but he had brought up the subject of parties and she had just sort of.. let it out. It was gross. Besides, he certainly didn't seem as offended as the disgusting sympathizers usually were.
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Date: September 18th, 2011 08:23 pm (UTC)


Samir fought off the urge to roll his eyes. Fucking teenagers thinking they know best. Still, someone fearless (or at least stupid) would come in handy eventually. Even if they might get themselves blown up or something. "Whatever you say" he mumbled through his smoke, holding his hands up in defeat.

"What's so great about your parties then? Y'all got bikini models handin' out champagne?"
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Date: September 18th, 2011 08:29 pm (UTC)


Seeming pleased with his defeat, Alex smiled smugly at him. "No," she replied slowly. "But I could," she quickly sneared. "Daddy lets me have whatever I need for my funds, so it's really not an issue. He doesn't mind paying a little extra to make me happy. He works for the League, you know."

Shrugging her shoulders, she went on. "I don't expect I'll get any bikini models any time soon. My cousin would probably enjoy that too much.. her and her little dyke friend. Fuck that," she rolled her eyes. Dani and Eden were both insufferable, really. It was half of why she enjoyed messing up their game so much.
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Date: September 18th, 2011 08:42 pm (UTC)


"Well aint that something" Samir said blandly, bemused by her bravado. He must be a powerful man, he thought, raising his eyebrows.

"No bikini models? Well that just don't sound like a good party to me" he teased her a little, finishing his cigarette and tossing it. "Ya cousin come here too? You don't like much of your family, do ya?"
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Date: September 18th, 2011 09:08 pm (UTC)


"I always have a good party. I don't need bikini models for that," she shot back seriously, fixing him with a faint pout. "You'd like them, you should come next time.. unless you think you're too mature. But I don't throw stupid keggers in the woods like those mudbloods did," she explained. "I expect class. Ties and coats."

Her own cigarette was finished a few moments after his, and she dropped it to the grass, crushing it out with the toe of her boot. She looked up at him, nodding. "She does, unfortunately.. we're roommates," she sighed. Upon the mention of her family, she blinked a bit as if she found his question stupid. "Of course not.. not many of them, anyway. There are only a handful of us still keeping the family name from being tarnished entirely, you know."
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Date: September 18th, 2011 09:49 pm (UTC)


"I don't got a tie" Samir sighed. "Or a lot of class. Unless you count marking papers, I got a lot of that kinda class." Man, when had he started making teacher jokes?

Messing with his hair he scoffed. "I do not miss sharin' a room" he admitted, looking back at Shenandoah house with some trepidation. "How are y'all stoppin' it gettin' tarnished then?" he asked casually, though he was pretty curious, een if she was just a kid chatting shit.
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Date: September 18th, 2011 10:51 pm (UTC)


Alex struggled not to smile, eventually snorting just a little. "Seriously? Did you just-- I don't know if I want you at my parties anymore."

She looked back toward the house when he did, frowning a little as her eyes followed a couple of people walking inside. "We just are. We have a.. proper outlook and understanding of blood purity. That's all. We're a minority, but we're still the ones who are correct," she muttered automatically, like it was a speech she had rehearsed a hundred times. It was just like her grandmother always said.

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry