Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

December 9th, 2011


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Date: December 15th, 2011 11:29 pm (UTC)


"I'm like the master cover-upper." Shelby informed her grinning but kind of looking around a bit for any teachers. He really wasn't down for getting busted so close to Christmas, especially with the big concert coming up, not to mention what his parents would say. They'd probably return all his presents just to prove a point. "I'll just tell them my girlfriend broke my heart or you made me cry or something." He laughed again, trying to subtly push his hat down and a bit of hair in front of his eyes.

"He probably deserved it man." She shook his head one more time at the poor kid, she was right it did kind of look like shit, the shirt itself and the stain or whatever it was. "He probably treats em like shit. Serves his fat ass right probably havin to bike around himself."
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Date: December 15th, 2011 11:50 pm (UTC)


"Awwww," she squished his face with her hands and giving him pouty lips. "Poor baby, I probably did somethin' real mean. Things is?" she grinned. "They'd believe it! An' I'd be in detention 'til... fuck, I'm pretty much always in detention anyways," she gave him a nudge. "Basically live there."

Dani laughed and waved at the poor kid. "Honey, it aint about you, it's about yer sweater," she blew him a kiss then linked arms with Shelby. "Perhaps we should vacate," she grinned, pointing over at Michael Cooper, the advanced transfiguration teacher. He looked pissed but that wasn't anything new. "Cooper might take our heads off!"

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry