Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

December 9th, 2011


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Date: December 27th, 2011 11:20 pm (UTC)


Tatum's head jerked up instinctively, just as it always did when people snuck up on her as such, but she felt calm settle over her when she saw that it was just Mackenzie. "Oh hey," she murmured, glancing behind the blonde for a moment before reaching out and taking the pack, getting out a smoke before returning it to the older girl. "You're l-looking dapper," she half joked, reaching over to tickle her fingers briefly down Mack's arm before she took the other girl's lighter and lit up.

She took the offered flowers, immediately blushing a little as she looked at them. "You d-didn't have to, jeez.. I didn't like, g-get you anything," the redhead murmured softly, chewing her lip a little.
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Date: December 30th, 2011 03:07 pm (UTC)


"You're looking quite beautiful yourself," she mumbled. Mack shivered at the girl's fingers tickling down her arm, spacing out with a goofy grin on her face as Tatum took her lighter. It was such a small, insignificant gesture, one that usually the taller blonde wouldn't have paid any mind to. It seemed like there was a lot of things that Tatum did that the blonde usually wouldn't care about. It took a lot to keep herself from pumping her fists in victory, and she clenched her fist lightly as she beamed over Tatum's reaction to the flowers.

"You didn't have to get me anything," she stressed, reaching out and squeezing Tatum's arm in reassurance. "It's not owe me or anything. I wanted, make you smile and feel special." Mackenzie blushed, feeling suddenly stupid. It was so unlike her to ever tell anyone sappy things like that, but it had just slipped out before she could stop herself. She had found that, drunk or not, she couldn't really control the word vomit around the younger girl.

Scratching the back of her head, she looked away, embarrassed. "God, that's um... embarrassing. Not that I don't mean it!" She added quickly, her gaze snapping back to Tatum quickly. "I...I'm just not good at this kind of thing."

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Date: January 8th, 2012 08:15 pm (UTC)


"T-Thanks," Tatum replied quietly, her face already slightly pink in the darkness as she leaned forward and gave the flowers a little smell. "N-Not many boys give flowers, y'know.. I g-guess dorky boys aren't the best examples, but like.. guys d-don't give nearly as many flowers as they make it sound like on t-tv.. nobody is t-that chivalrous anymore," the redhead mused, holding her joint between her lips and using her free hand to push some hair behind her ear and tucking one of the flowers carefully behind there too.

She actually felt better when Mack got a little embarrassed as well, it made her feel more comfortable already, and she shook her head at the tall blonde. "M-Me either, I.. uhm, you know like.. f-feelings are hard. And stuff. R-Right?"

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry