Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

December 19th, 2011


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Date: December 19th, 2011 11:15 pm (UTC)

Text to Tatum, From Sunny

Happy Christmas from me and Brutus! Hope everything is well Tate <3

[User Picture Icon]
Date: December 19th, 2011 11:54 pm (UTC)

Text to Sunny

It's been better but-- Lol at least Brut is having a good time.. I'm at Mack's and I don't think her cat likes Teagan very much. Which is Teag's fault I guess? Idk.
[User Picture Icon]
Date: December 19th, 2011 11:57 pm (UTC)

Text to Tatum

Oh nuu! Cat politics! You and Teag should come over for cookies sometime this week. We miss you!
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Date: December 20th, 2011 12:01 am (UTC)

Text to Sunny

Right? And he's actually a really sweet cat, but the two of them on the same bed.. it's not working out rn lol. You wouldn't mind? Like if we did. I feel like I'm just cluttering up their house here anyway kinda sorta. Maybe.
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Date: December 20th, 2011 12:24 am (UTC)

Text to Tatum

Hahaha, yeah that tends to get messy. Teags all up in his business. I wouldn't mind at all! Things around here are always crazy but there's always an extra bed!
[User Picture Icon]
Date: December 20th, 2011 01:14 am (UTC)

Text to Sunny

Exactly! And I feel bad because Lunkhead was here first.. maybe I'll stay over for a night or two. If it's really okay?
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Date: December 20th, 2011 01:32 am (UTC)

Text to Tatum

Yeah definitely! It'll be fun! I can steal Camilo's x-box and we can have a videogame/movie marathon!
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Date: December 21st, 2011 01:16 am (UTC)

Text to Sunny

Sweeeeeeeeeet!! I'll just tell Mack and them that I'm coming, I don't think she'll care.
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Date: December 21st, 2011 01:21 am (UTC)

Text to Tatum

Nice! Just let me know what days you wanna come! Mom's already bugging me about what you want for dinner, I told her snacks. LOTS OF SNACKS. Don't be surprised if she makes M&M pancakes xD
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Date: December 23rd, 2011 01:48 am (UTC)

Text to Sunny

I swear it has nothing to do with my newly liberated sexuality, but if your mom makes M&M pancakes then I'm going to have to give her a kiss on the lips, no jokes. I've been killing kettle cooked chips and oranges lately though.. and TURTLES hnngh.
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Date: December 23rd, 2011 01:59 am (UTC)

Text to Tatum

Hehehehe. I'm sure she'll appreciate your enthusiasm! Fuck yeah kettle chips, I love the salt and pepper ones, so effin good. Turtle? Like the caramel and chocolate and peanuts? FUCK YES.
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Date: December 25th, 2011 06:29 pm (UTC)

Text to Sunny

Right? I might not be home, but Christmas still has the best snacks of all of the holidays.
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Date: December 25th, 2011 09:22 pm (UTC)

Text to Tatum

Damn right! Hehehe, I love xmas snacks. Sam brought beignets this morning, I thought I was going to die.
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Date: December 26th, 2011 12:03 am (UTC)

Text to Sam

That boy is like an elf, no jokes.
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Date: December 26th, 2011 01:53 am (UTC)

Text to Tatum

RIGHT?! My mom wants me to marry him but I got my sights set on a certain Belgian. :)
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Date: December 26th, 2011 02:01 am (UTC)

Text to Sunny

My dad is definitely sour that I won't be marrying him either lol.. but I guess that's why I'm in this situation after all.
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Date: December 26th, 2011 02:17 am (UTC)

Text to Tatum

Hehehe well you have a legit excuse. If you can't make it work with that boy then aint no bot gonna make it work. xD I love you Tater.
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Date: December 27th, 2011 03:14 am (UTC)

Text to Sunny

Right? That's basically how I viewed it, I mean.. if I couldn't get it right with Sam, I obviously wasn't meant to like boys. And that's.. okay. That feels cool to say.
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Date: December 27th, 2011 03:25 am (UTC)

Text to Tatum

I'm really glad you can say it :3 It's important to be you
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Date: December 27th, 2011 11:10 pm (UTC)

Text to Sunny

I'm still learning but it feels good to be me for sure. It's like, I dunno. Learning to breathe? Does that make sense? I dunno man.
[User Picture Icon]
Date: December 28th, 2011 08:49 pm (UTC)

Text to Tatum

It makes sense man, you're almost relearning everything. You can be honest now girl.

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry