Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

December 24th, 2011

(no subject) @ 10:57 pm

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Date: January 23rd, 2012 11:22 pm (UTC)
"Hell fuckin' yeah. And don't no place else matter," she grinned. "You're better'n some health nut Yank," she poked the other girl in the side gently. At Hunter's kiss, she closed her eyes contentedly.

"Yeah he does," Michi nodded. "He wrote me a little note the other day, left it under my door 'fore he went back to New Orleans for Christmas," she didn't dare say home, it wasn't any home to her anyways. "He was talkin' bout how he wanted to play with us sometime and start practicin' fer house teams. He wants to be the Roanoke captain jus' like you was," she grinned.
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Date: January 23rd, 2012 11:53 pm (UTC)
"I'm better than any Yank!" Hunter replied firmly, laughing. "I still can't believe Mack is hookin' up with one, sullying our good southern roots.. guess she came up from that way 'fore she came to Texas though. Can't fight where ya were born. She just wanted a borin' northern girl.. not for me, lemme tell ya!"

When Michi told her about Yori, the older girl's face lit up a little, a proud smirk quickly covering her face. "Oh yeah? Well then, we definitely gotta teach 'em! I'll show 'em how to do a good feint, 'cause y'know Mack won't be able to teach 'em.. don't know up from down, that girl."
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Date: January 24th, 2012 01:56 am (UTC)
"That's true, can't help be born where you is born but ya can adapt to yer new environment like Mack did. She's a Southern girl through and through now," she grinned. "I think Mack is makin' a special exception for this one," she grinned. "They're real sweet together, don't go tellin' her I said nothin' though. But personally... my tastes lay in the South."

"We should! I bet I can steal him away for a few days when we get back on campus," she nodded. "Sneak in a few play dates. I'm gonna make him wear a damn helmet though," she laughed. "I can't be lettin' my lil' man up on a broom with you two maniacs without a helmet," she giggled.

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry