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Mod Post [Mar. 12th, 2010|07:08 pm]
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We need member opinions! [info]whiskey and I have been talking about implementing a points system and we feel that it would be a fun way to spur activity and involvement. We have a few ideas here, but we'd love to hear some of yours. Can you think of anything else we can do to earn points or anything else we can spend them on? Please let us know!

Earn points by...

1. Participating in the Discussion Post ( Questionnaire! )
2. Taking a photo of yourself with the book of the month (Past books will not earn any points, this must be done with the current book)
3. Suggesting a book in each Suggestions Post

Spend points on...

1. Your vote counting twice in a New Book Poll
2. Being able to 'buy out' that month's book choice (Book must have an average score of 3.5 on for this option)
3. Suggesting a book with more than the alotted number of pages allowed

We still haven't figured out how many points will be awarded / taken for each thing, but we will soon! Please post any suggestions you have at all. =)

[User Picture]From: [info]61_keys_to_play
2010-03-13 12:21 am (UTC)


I love the ideas for how to spend the points, that's really cool. :)

For earning points, I like where you are headed, but I also think a reward for expanding the questions about the book/generating good discussion should be rewarded. For example, let's say someone's comment or question on the book we read generates a really fabulous discussion with multiple members of the community - above and beyond the questionnaire. If that person got more than (arbitrary number "3.14159") comments from more than (arbitrary number "3.14159") members of the community that were in depth and related to the discussion point(s) they brought up, it should be worth something because it really engages people, etc., in participating.

Does that even make any sense?
[User Picture]From: [info]scholar
2010-03-13 12:33 am (UTC)


It does, but because of how small the community itself is, having a set amount of comments/participants may not work. I had thought of including posting a separate discussion topic as grounds to gain points, but then it seems like someone may be able to post ANYTHING and get rewarded for it, if that makes sense.

I think that if someone posts a separate discussion thread that has a lot of activity / participants, they could indeed be given extra points. Maybe the discussion thread they post must have a specific word count or should be in the form of something. Like,

"What about this thing that happened here. I think it's important because


And if there's enough activity they can be awarded points. But also it'd be hard to gauge that because there are so few members at the moment, you know?
[User Picture]From: [info]61_keys_to_play
2010-03-13 12:50 am (UTC)


I also see your point. It might be helpful to wait and see how the first discussion goes for this sort of system, and go from there, perhaps?

What about giving points for doing a short survey on other books people are reading outside of the community, so that recommendations can be generated for additional "extra credit" reading? As an idea, have five to ten questions that can be answered by members about other books that they are reading, and award points for complete, thought-out answers to those questions (or make each question answered worth a set amount of points, and allow a larger variety of questions). If the questions are geared to not "spoil" the book for others, it could be a cool way to tap into each other's libraries without necessarily just reading the top-vote book each month.
[User Picture]From: [info]scholar
2010-03-13 01:13 am (UTC)


I agree that waiting for the first thing would probably help.

And the second thing could be fun! Would you be interested in making a rough draft list of some questions, and the other mods and I could work from there? I think it'd be good to incorporate other things we're reading as well as the group discussion books so that the people who don't like the book being done can be doing something, too!
[User Picture]From: [info]61_keys_to_play
2010-03-13 01:37 am (UTC)


I'd be glad to make up some question ideas, I'm on it! :)
[User Picture]From: [info]scholar
2010-03-13 01:53 am (UTC)


Yay! Just inbox them to me on Facebook once you have them! I'll share them with Liz and talk about it and maybe add some of our own if we can think of any! :) You're the best!
[User Picture]From: [info]61_keys_to_play
2010-03-14 07:00 pm (UTC)


Sent, and you have a big list to work with - hope it helps! Let me know if there is anything else I can do. :)
[User Picture]From: [info]scholar
2010-03-14 09:17 pm (UTC)


I'm adding a link to the sidebar on this right now. Let me know what you think!
[User Picture]From: [info]whiskey
2010-03-13 10:31 pm (UTC)


I like this idea a lot. And maybe connecting themes from the current read to other favorites.
[User Picture]From: [info]whiskey
2010-03-13 10:28 pm (UTC)


I'm posting from my phone, so excuse errors :
Points for. .... making a visual representation of the book and photographing it, writing a poem based on the story or characters, we could even do a scavenger hunt with the things to find having some connection to the story (which we give them a list of things to find),and just other interactive things which force us to really engage ourselves into the books
[User Picture]From: [info]scholar
2010-03-14 04:15 am (UTC)


Ugh,I forget that we don't get notifications when we post from the mod journal and never remember to check back. -_-

I really like the scavenger hunt idea. I don't know about the poem thing because I really dislike writing poetry, but I'm sure others may like it!
[User Picture]From: [info]whiskey
2010-03-14 07:02 am (UTC)


I'm just trying to think of things I had to do with book reports and stuff. Just different ways to engage, you know? And of course, these artistic, poetic, scavenger hunt things, don't need to be mandatory obviously, but just other ways to encourage activity and prompt discussion.