Crescent City: OOC - Remember me?
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Remember me?
howemuchtrouble From: [info]howemuchtrouble Date: December 18th, 2010 02:37 pm (UTC) (Link)
Hi Crystal! :D Great to see you've made it to CCI!

Jessi here, and you may remember some of my kids from Salem. Keegan ([info]howemuchtrouble) was my prominent boy in that game. Rienzi junior, and still pretty much the same as he was. Being that they aren't in the same house this time, I don't know how familiar with each other they'd be.

Then there's Quinn ([info]whodoo), a Lalaurie senior who's still a bitch. She'd probably have no idea who Amy was, and if she did, would probably be one of those in the school that'd give her a hard time just because she could.

Casey ([info]thatmachineboy) and Amy would get along quite well. He's my nerdiest character, a Beauregard sophomore. I don't know if they'd already have met somehow, but he's into video games and comics and tinkering with things. Plus? He's an all-around friendly guy.

One I know you for sure haven't met yet is Sibyl ([info]redwritinghood). Sibyl and Amy, I think, would be good buddies if not closer. Sibyl is a Sonnier senior so they'd automatically know one another from being in the same house. Sibyl is a fantasy nerd, loves books, and is a diviner of sorts. She's working on getting the more mundane means down (stone casting, tarot, etc.) but her prominent ability is that she's an Automatic Writer. Sonnier + Divination + nerdiness = WIN.

Let me know what you think! I can be reached almost any time in the evenings and weekends at ThereIsWarAtHand.

Welcome, welcome!

nineofwands From: [info]nineofwands Date: December 19th, 2010 03:54 am (UTC) (Link)
I don't think Amy'd know Keegan as well as before. She pretty much knows him mostly as Rowan's boyfriend. I doubt she and Quinn have spoken more than two words to each other, so she probably doesn't have much of an opinion on her.

She's in gaming club with Casey, so she'd know him from that. And considering how much they have in common, they should definitely be friends.

And YES, she and Sibyl should be close friends! Amy would like her a lot, and if Sibyl's going to be stuck at school during vacation, she should totally visit Amy in Florida instead.
howemuchtrouble From: [info]howemuchtrouble Date: December 19th, 2010 04:16 am (UTC) (Link)
Still, Keegan would be pretty friendly to her. Especially if she was one of Rowan's friends.

RIGHT. GAMING CLUB. They'd absolutely know through that, and definite friends is definite XD There's nothing like too much nerdery.

Close it is! Sibyl would also LOVE to go hang out with Amy over break. Both because she'd get to see her buddy and it gets her off campus. That should absolutely be setup for some point over break!
nineofwands From: [info]nineofwands Date: December 19th, 2010 04:31 am (UTC) (Link)
Yeah, we should definitely thread out something during their break!
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