Crescent City: OOC -
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mustbecharming From: [info]mustbecharming Date: January 6th, 2011 03:04 am (UTC) (Link)

I'm not sure how friendly she'd be with either of mine, since they're both boys XD But Gael's nice and Sonnier's captain, so they at least interact somewhat. Alex, though... Not too sure about him.
molly_mormon From: [info]molly_mormon Date: January 6th, 2011 03:15 am (UTC) (Link)
She has lots of friends who are boys, she's just never been romantically inclined with any of them. She never shies away from a friend, it just weirds her out if they flirt, or it goes over her head.

I'm sure she'll know Gael, or at least know of him, Alex probably not so much since he's in a different house and a grade below.
xanvanren From: [info]xanvanren Date: January 10th, 2011 07:41 am (UTC) (Link)

Well, she'd be safe around Gael, he's just friendly. And looks out for younger students at times. Plus, he's like one of the only other virgins at the school, though he doesn't really broadcast that.

With Alex... suffice to say I bet he'd be a prick if they ever ended up near each other. Plus he might smell faintly of cigarettes. And might blow the smoke at her if she gives him any reason or inclination to. (He's kind of an ass, if you hadn't noticed XD;)
molly_mormon From: [info]molly_mormon Date: January 10th, 2011 05:32 pm (UTC) (Link)
I'm thinking that she's probably going to stay away from Alex, then, lol
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