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imperfectly From: [info]imperfectly Date: January 8th, 2011 10:29 pm (UTC) (Link)
Hey Again.

Sera and Molly would probably know each other since they're in the same grade and probably have had or have classes together now. Sera would definitely not agree with some of her views (especially on homosexuality) but she respects the no drinking, no smoking no drugs stuff since she doesn't do those things either.
I think they could be friends as long as Molly wouldn't get too freaked out if she found out Sera was bisexual.

Shelby would know Molly from Quodpot since he's the Rienzi mascot. He's nice to everyone especially people on his team so they'd have no problems. I don't know how she'd feel about all the weed he smokes though? my guess is she would not approveXD

molly_mormon From: [info]molly_mormon Date: January 10th, 2011 03:20 am (UTC) (Link)

She might freak out about Sera's bisexuality, but she would try really hard not to let it show. She would still be friends with her, but any talk of girls would wig her out.

She might not look highly on the pot smoking, but as long as he is nice to her I think they'll be okay.
drummerboy From: [info]drummerboy Date: January 10th, 2011 11:14 pm (UTC) (Link)
They should definitely be friends thenXD and knowing it'd probably freak her out Sera would try not to say too much around her.

He'd definitely be nice to her and he's not usually high at Quodpot stuff, so she might not even know unless they hung out besides that.

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Back January 2012
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