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J'anna J'onzz ([info]burningmartian) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
"Batman wasn't a perfect hero, Tim. He also wasn't a perfect man and I imagine more nights than not he sat at his desk doing much the same as you are doing now." J'anna sat the plate down and moved beside him, reaching around him to make a few keystrokes to pull up six months worth of seismic records for the areas she thought most likely to be Damien's location. It would take a moment to retrieve so she wrapped her arms around Tim.

"He knew," she whispered. "Every father knows. I can say that with some authority, you know. Differences or not, he knew.

You can't take the weight of this all for yourself, Tim. Certainly your choices and actions contributed to things but so did mine. I could have hunted Lian down well earlier in her foolish journey. I know what her mind's signature is like far better than anyone elses. But did I hunt her out? No. The things that happened after that were every bit as much my fault as yours, as Lian's, as anyone's. Where the weight is now is how we live forward."

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