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Damien al Ghul/Damien Wilson ([info]headofthedemon) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
"Lian, I will leave if you wish, but please promise me that you will not do anything to hurt yourself or the baby. I couldn't bear the thought of you hurting yourself in your anger at me." Damien says, holding up his hands in gesture of placation.

This was oddly like dealing with an angry wildcat. He knew Lian was dangerous, but she was also in love with him, at least he hoped she was.

"Lian, I cannot stop thinking about you. I cannot get you out of my head or my heart. Every day with you has been interminable and...I am here, alone. I did not bring Morgaine or anyone else.

Right now, I am at /your/ mercy. But I would like you to remember the choice that /I/ made when your life was in my hands. I knew that it was dangerous to accept you, to let you live. My sister wanted to execute you on the spot, but I stayed my hand.

Not once since that day have I ever been sorry for my choice." Damien says.

"Did something happen to your father again? You sounded upset when you came in." Damien says.

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