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Tim Drake/Red Robin ([info]bloodred_robin) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-02-02 21:08:00

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Entry tags:npc - tim drake

The Meeting (Prior to Blackest Night)
Tim arrives at the office building in the Triangle at the arranged time to speak with Michelle Torres. The new Youth Center was close to completion, but Tim has some final details to handle and getting Michelle on board will help a great deal with making sure the Youth Center is accepted by the people as being for the people.

When he gets to Miss Torres' office, he rings the buzzer and waits to be admitted.

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2011-02-03 05:35 pm UTC (link)
Michelle was alone in the office today. Zoe was out and about, doing her 'rounds' as she liked to think of it. Zoe spent too much time worrying about her and not enough time finding a way out of the Triangle and into a good life for herself. The more Zoe dug in, the harder Michelle tried to make it safer for her.

Today's appointment was a good step toward that goal. She'd dealt with Tim Drake over the telephone, but she never expected him to actually meet in person.

When the buzzer rang, she checked to make sure it was Mr. Drake before letting him in. Another of Zoe's instructions that made life a little easier if she followed it.

"Mr. Drake?" She held out her hand to the gentleman stepping inside. "Michelle Torres."

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2011-02-03 06:21 pm UTC (link)
Tim shakes the offered hand, immediately recognizing Zoe's features in her mother. He smiles warmly at Michelle, believing that his initial impressions of the woman were correct. She would be the right person to lead the charge in turning the Triangle around.

"Thank you for taking the to meet with me Miss Torres, and please call me Tim." he requests.

"Have you had time to have your lawyers look over the proposals for Neon Knights Incorporated? I included the request that you chair the Star City branch. I think you have the credibility needed effect real change in the Triangle. If we can take streets back for the kids and get real jobs and aid down here, I think we can get the rest of the community to come together and help out." he says.

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2011-02-04 03:23 pm UTC (link)
"Please call me Michelle. It's nice to finally match a face to the voice."

She offered him a seat on the tiny sofa in the corner. She drew another chair over to sit nearby. The informal meeting did not need the stiff formality of a desk between them while they were talking. That would come later.

"I did have my lawyer review the proposals. She agreed that the proposals all appear to be accommodating for the special needs here. The change here is a long time coming. It's also helping the general mood of the Triangle that the streets are showing signs of interest from other quarters."

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2011-02-04 09:04 pm UTC (link)
"If we're going to have anything resembling peace in our time, it's going to have to start at the community level." Tim says, nodding at Michelle.

"I was born and raised in Gotham City and I knew Bruce Wayne. He taught me a lot about the responsibility of those with means to help out those without.

Hopefully, we can start getting the wealthy and famous in Star City to add to the effort." he says.

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2011-02-06 05:58 am UTC (link)
"I'll settle for the concerned and willing to help," Michelle said, smiling. "Although the wealthy and famous could probably light fires with the authorities that we have been unable to manage on our own."

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2011-02-06 06:15 am UTC (link)
"Well, let's work on that, then. We need to get the cops coming down here more to establish relations with the people. I know a cop, by the name of Detective Falconeri, who's willing to do this.

He's been thoroughly checked out and I think he can help us as well." Tim says.

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2011-02-06 06:55 am UTC (link)
"I'm not familiar with the name, but then again most of the detectives at the nearest precinct tend to drive through the Triangle only in daylight hours. The Triangle has a certain reputation built up over the years. It won't change overnight, or possibly even in my lifetime, but I would like to see some progress before I die."

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2011-02-06 07:29 am UTC (link)
"Detective Falconeri is a good cop and knows a thing or two about tough neighborhoods." Tim says.

"So, do you know any other businessmen willing to bring aid to the Triangle? I'm sure you've been cultivating your own network of contacts for quite some time." Tim says.

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2011-02-06 11:09 pm UTC (link)
"The bigger chains won't come in here. They bracket us on all sides. Smaller businesses can't afford the losses. What's here is what's always been here." Michelle nodded the front door. "My daughter insisted on an automatic locking system and no walk-ins. My hope is that once we can show the rest of Star City that we're worth the effort, when we get a handle on our own problems, they'll come."

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2011-02-07 04:57 am UTC (link)
"All right. Then it'll be a grass-roots endeavor and we'll show Star City that the Triangle isn't beyond saving. I know it's not and I know you believe it's not." Tim says.

"How is your daughter? Is she doing well?" he asks. Tim hasn't spoken to Zoe in a bit, but he's been meaning to.

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2011-02-27 01:39 am UTC (link)

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