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Christine "Chrissy" Jessica Jordan/Star Sapphire ([info]loveconquersall) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-04-02 21:53:00

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Flight practice (open)
Chrissy was still getting used to having the Star Sapphire ring. She had had it for a little over a month now, and parts of it were still new to her. With the help of her mom, she had gotten down making basic constructs... though the whole encasing people in crystals to "reform" them creeped her out just a little. She could see why they might have to do it...she just hoped that she never had too.

One thing she could definitely get used to? The flying. While unlike the rest of her family, she never saw herself as a pilot, but there was definitely something about being able to fly on your own that was awesome.

Which was why, the second that she had gotten out of tennis tryouts, she had snuck behind the school gym and slipped the ring on her finger, before taking off.

Chrissy was taking her sweet time getting home, flying over Coast City, enjoying the spring breeze and the wind in her hair.

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