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Alerron Yat ([info]somebodysave_me) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
"Still, Katima...the things that we must do to keep ourselves and others alive...they will catch up to us eventually. I have abilities that make me near to a god, and the only others I know to have the same are my father, and Jon Kent, the Kryptonian that aided us. In fact, the Daxamites are an off-shoot of that race." Alerron says.

"The Daxamites are xenophobic and petty. I have heard tales that the Kryptonians were somewhat the same, but the Kryptonians of Earth have become heroes to the people, even though they live in a world made of cardboard." he tells her as his body tenses a bit.

"It would be so easy to abuse my power, to find a place and set myself up as some sort of petty warlord as Blackfire did. There would be few who could stand against me. I would have the power to protect you, Mar'i, Cyrus and Aleea from those who would threaten us.

I was taught by many of the best tactical minds in the galaxy. I could lead a war or a resistance if I chose and there is little difference between the two. What if, someday, I am asked to do just that?

What if I am not far from becoming Blackfire or Mongul myself?" he asks.

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