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Jai West ([info]dareyoutorun) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Re: Within the Matrix
Jai has to focus in order to keep his mind from moving at a thousand miles per hour and overwhelming everyone else. Moreover, he has to stop and think about what he sees so as to process it all correctly.

Michael and Traya weren't really together, after all. He'd accused them of things they hadn't done, even if Michael really cared for Traya. Jai finally understood what they'd been trying to tell him for months and now he felt like the world's biggest jackass for raking them over the coals for something they hadn't done.

"No, Michael...you were trying to help. You've /been/ trying to help and I've been pushing away from everyone." Jai says.

"Don't tell me you're falling for these sob stories they're putting out. Man, you /are/ dumb. They're letting you see what they want you to see. I bet if you dig /deeper/ they'll show what you really wanna know." says a familiar voice that all three of them would know.

"Yeah, I'm in here, too, kiddies! Flamebrain did me a favor dragging me in here that one time, creating a piece of me that's going to haunt the three of you until you all die. Again. And look, it's Super-Skank herself, in the flesh.

Anyone notice how it gets more windy outside when she gets pissed off? Let's see if we can make her wipe Ivy Town off the map today!
" Black Lantern Jai taunts.

"Get out of my head!" Jai yells, grimacing in pain.

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