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littleladylord ([info]littleladylord) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
"Yeah. They've been a lot of help, and it's gone really well. Been doing some stuff on my own -- aside from that whole Thing back at the beginning of the year," Cindy underplays, both because she knows Jon won't want to talk about that stuff and because it doesn't look that good for one's professional record to be told You Want It All by a villainous cosmic system. Still, she was proud of the way she'd done her best to protect Michael and everyone else who was 'hers'. "Been going pretty well. Getting stuff done. Staying professional even with the annoying ones..." Her expression darkened a little. There'd been an assault she'd prevented earlier in the week. The things she wanted to politely ask that man to do... But the point was, she hadn't.

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