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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
First Christmas with the 'new' family. After a few months he's gotten more used to the idea but holidays always made him a little depressed now. Thomas decides to try and ignore that as best he can, it's Christmas after all.

He makes sure to only put the presents under the tree at the last minute (houseful of detectives makes you paranoid).

For Dad (Alt-Dad? Bruce? He still hasn't figured out what to call him to his face) he got a first edition version of The Christmas Carol with a note 'Because I know you're not a Scrooge no matter what everyone else thinks.'

Maria got a coupon for 12 nights where he'd cover patrol for her so she could take the night off for non-Huntress and non-business related reasons. He also managed to find two candy-shooting crossbows (same company as his halloween pez gun) which he included along with a bag of candy and the message: 'If you ever want to turn the Manor into a candy warzone.'

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